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  • You Don’t Need a CSS Framework

    Developers use CSS frameworks to reduce boilerplate, increase quality, and drive consistency. However, these gains are hard to maintain as an application’s codebase matures. Developers must configure and override the framework to accommodate changes. Instead of using a CSS framework, developers should write their own custom CSS. CSS has evolved enough that this became the best option.

  • The Process of Creating Decentralized Apps (dApps)

    A decentralized application has a different architectural approach; they are working on distributed ledger technology called blockchain, where there is no central point of failure nor third parties involved. A revolutionary and attractive technology for new opportunities. This article covers creating such applications and why they are needed, as well as challenges during implementation.

  • Open-Source Testing: Why Bug Bounty Programs Should Be Embraced, Not Feared

    The growing importance of the Web3 ecosystem based on blockchains shows how important community test programs are. Some within the testing community see this trend as a threat. However, it is actually an opportunity. Bug bounties and open-source test contributions are a great tool for test teams, and there is every reason for testers to embrace this new trend rather than to fear it.

  • A Standardized, Specification-Driven API Lifecycle

    At QCon Plus last November, Kin Lane, Chief Evangelist with Postman, and the Open Technologies Team lead presented on API specifications. API specifications are essential to him and at Postman. So he wanted to share a bit of how they see API specifications impacting how they produce and consume APIs.

  • eBay's UI Framework Marko Adds Optimized Reactivity Model - Q&A with Marko's Development Team

    Marko, eBay's performance-focused UI framework, features optimization strategies that are now becoming mainstream (e.g., server-side rendering, progressive and asynchronous rendering, partial hydration). InfoQ discussed with the Marko development team how those performance strategies may differentiate Marko from other frameworks and future performance-minded initiatives in their roadmap.

  • How DSLs Withstand the Test of Time

    Domain-specific languages let domain experts participate in the software development process. Few DSLs however withstand the test of time. Key success factors for longstanding DSLs seem to be user-centered design and adhering to the open–closed principle. Markdown, TeX, and CSS, have remained popular and relevant for two decades, even as their original target audience evolved.

  • Interview with Creator of Polypane, a Powerful Browser for Developers

    Polypane is a powerful development web browser with many features to assist during the development of web applications and websites. We recently had the opportunity to sit down with Polypane creator Kilian Valkhof to learn more about what Polypane is, the motivation behind it, the technology used, challenges in creating the product, future direction, and much more.

  • JavaScript and Web Development InfoQ Trends Report 2020

    The web development space is always an interesting one for us, with new JavaScript projects launched almost daily. Trying to decide which ones to focus on and which ones to ignore is particularly challenging. Developers can learn and gather inspiration from interesting approaches even if they do not currently use them in their daily development efforts.

  • Q&A on the Book Real-World Bug Hunting

    The book Real-World Bug Hunting by Peter Yaworski is a field guide to finding software vulnerabilities. It explains what ethical hacking is, explores common vulnerability types, explains how to find them, and provides suggestions for reporting bugs while getting paid for doing so.

  • JavaScript and Web Development InfoQ Trends Report

    This InfoQ Trends Report looks at the current trends with JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and web development in general, exploring technologies and options gaining further adoption, and those approaching their end of life. The rate of new JavaScript, CSS, HTML, and WebAssembly standards, as well as frameworks and other web technologies continues to accelerate substantially.

  • Getting Started with Vue.js

    Learn how to use Vue CLI to build a Vue.js 2 application for searching and displaying Giphy images, and then manipulating/transforming them by using the Cloudinary API. Also, you'll learn how to deploy this application to AWS.

  • InfoQ Call for Articles

    InfoQ provides software engineers with the opportunity to share experiences gained using innovator and early adopter stage techniques and technologies with the wider industry. We are always on the lookout for quality articles and we encourage practitioners and domain experts to submit feature-length (2,000 to 3,000 word) papers that are timely, educational and practical.