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C++14 Early Thoughts
Bjarne Stroustrup discusses features that might appear in C++14: braces for copy initialization, return type deduction in functions, generic (polymorphic) lambdas, user-defined literals, etc.
Growing C++ Software Guided by Tests
Alan Griffiths shares the organizational process, the technological challenges and the solutions adopted by a team developing a C++ systems component.
Effective GoF Patterns with C++11 and Boost
Tobias Darm discusses how some of the GoF patterns can be implemented differently in C++11 using Boost libraries.
Git–Why Should I Care about the Index?
Charles Bailey takes a look at Git Index’s internals, explaining why it is used, what and how is stored in it, and what operations can be used against it.
How to Narrow Down What to Test
Zsolt Fabok presents several methods that can be used to find areas which are worth testing so that organizations do not have to spend more effort on testing than what is absolutely necessary.
The Art of Reviewing Code
Arjan van Leeuwen overviews code reviews advantages and disadvantages, how much can be done in a code review, types of critiques, how to handle critiques and conflicts that might arise from them.
Robust Software - Dotting the I's and Crossing the T's
Chris Oldwood discusses what it takes to create robust software: correct error detection and recovery, testing systemic effects, app monitoring and configuration.
Taking Scala into the Enterprise
Peter Pilgrim introduces Scala to advancing beginners: getting the most out of Scala, working with popular Java frameworks, the build tools and some of the new features of Scala 2.10.
The Git Parable
Johan Herland explains how Git does branching and merging in a distributed (and partially disconnected) environment, how to rewrite a commit history, and why staging is useful.
Unspecified and Undefined
Olve Maudal details machine code generated by snippets of both legal and illegal C code, discussing it in the context of ISO/IEC 9899 standard (the C standard).
Cleaning Code - Tools and Techniques for Legacy Restoration Projects
Mike Long describes techniques for managing large legacy restoration projects, using a roadmap, prioritizing technical debt remediation tasks and motivating devs and stakeholders during the process.