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Unspecified and Undefined
Olve Maudal details machine code generated by snippets of both legal and illegal C code, discussing it in the context of ISO/IEC 9899 standard (the C standard).
Cleaning Code - Tools and Techniques for Legacy Restoration Projects
Mike Long describes techniques for managing large legacy restoration projects, using a roadmap, prioritizing technical debt remediation tasks and motivating devs and stakeholders during the process.
Embedded Development, What's Changed in 30 Years?
James Grenning takes a look at embedded programming 30 years ago or more, and how it can be done better now in C.
Cheating Decline: Acting Now to Let You Program Well for a Really Long Time
Brian Marick shares insight into how one can remain a programmer throughout his career.
C++11 The Future is Here
Bjarne Stroustrup keynotes on what C++ is in general, how C++ 11 makes simple things even simpler, resource management, generic programming, and concurrency.