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Google Makes Public Their API Design Guide
Google has made public an API Design Guide for creating HTTP or RPC APIs. These design principles are recommended especially to developers creating gRPC APIs connecting to Google Cloud Endpoints.
Amazon Introduces API Gateway Usage Plans
Amazon recently updated their API Gateway service to include Usage Plans. A common pattern for companies that expose their APIs, include monetizing them through a 3rd party developer ecosystem. Usage Plans allow an organization to manage 3rd party developer consumption patterns and billing at an API key level.
How and Why Etsy Moved to an API-First Architecture
At QCon New York 2016, Etsy software engineer Stefanie Schirmer told how her company successfully transitioned to an API-first architecture that supports multiple devices, addresses server-side performance problems, and was quickly adopted by development teams.
Microsoft REST API Guidelines Are Not RESTful
Microsoft has published their guidance for creating “RESTful” APIs. Roy Fielding calls them HTTP APIs that have little to do with REST.
Don’t Version Your Web API
Versioning of Web APIs by adding a version to the URI or using versioned media types does not work on the open web. What we rather need are contracts that evolve with the changes we need, Sebastien Lambla claimed in a recent presentation, describing ways of avoiding the need to version.
Lessons Learned at the O’Reilly Software Architecture Conference: Day One
This article presents a review of the first day at the O'Reilly Software Architecture conference, held in New York City 12-13th April. Sessions summarised include, ‘blah, blah... microservices...blah, blah’, ‘the evolution of evolutionary architecture’, ‘Death Star Security’, ‘Twelve Patterns for Hypermedia Architecture’, ‘Architecture Without an End State’ and 'Leading Simplicity'.
Amazon API Gateway Now Supports Swagger Definition Import
On April 5th, 2016 Amazon announced an update to its API Management service known as Amazon API Gateway. In this update, Amazon API Gateway now supports a direct way of importing Swagger 2.0 definitions.
Don’t Think like an Engineer When Designing Microservices
When designing microservices and their APIs, you need to think like a designer focusing on the users, Nic Benders claimed in his presentation at the recent Microservices Practitioner Summit. Design the API first, then build your services with an outside-in approach.
Daniel Jacobson on Ephemeral APIs and Continuous Innovation at Netflix
InfoQ had the opportunity to interview Daniel Jacobson about ephemeral APIs, their link to experience-based APIs and when to consider them. He also explains why generic resource-based API architectures can run into problems at scale and why he doesn’t use an API descriptor language. Finally, he describes the various tools they built to deliver those APIs including Falcor, Scryer or Nicobar.
The RAML Workgroup Announces RAML 1.0 and API Workbench
The RAML community has announced the release of RAML 1.0, API Workbench and a JavaScript plus a Java RAML parser.
What is API Developer Experience and Why It Matters
API developer experience is a relatively novel focus aimed to improve API design so it provides a seamless experience to developers when writing software. It can help increase programmers’ efficience and make it easier for developers to achieve goals on behalf of end users.
Taming Dependency Hell within Microservices with Michael Bryzek
Michael Bryzek, co-founder and ex-CTO at Gilt, discussed at QCon New York how ‘dependency hell’ could impact the delivery and maintenance of microservice platforms. Bryzek suggested that dependency hell may be mitigated by making API design ‘first class’, ensuring backward and forward compatibility, providing accurate documentation, and automatically generating client libraries.
Founder of API Blueprint Discusses Progress
API languages are in their infancy and API developers are actively using API Blueprint, RAML, and Swagger. Together, as a community, developers are defining the standards that will be used in the future. InfoQ recently had the opportunity to talk to Jakub Nesetril, creator of the API Blueprint project and CEO of Apiary.
Apigee API Studio: Designing, Testing and Sharing APIs
Apigee has opened up API Studio, a free online tool for creating, testing and sharing APIs.
A Look at MongoRepository for .NET
Most of the open source projects we share with you on InfoQ increase the capabilities of another library or technology. MongoRepository is different in that it intentionally limits the capabilities of the underlying library. We’ll let Rob Janssen why it does this in his own words.