InfoQ Homepage API Content on InfoQ
Learning to Love Type Systems
Lauren Tan talks about type systems in TypeScript, Flow, and GraphQL that can improve confidence and help ship less bugs to production every day.
Accelerating the Consumption of APIs Built on Cloud Foundry
Prithpal Bhogill discusses using APIs with a microservices architecture, covering API lifecycle, and accelerating the consumption of APIs built on Cloud Foundry.
Netflix Play API - An Evolutionary Architecture
Suudhan Rangarajan talks about what patterns Netflix observed in their previous architectures and how they arrived at a list of practices to create an Evolutionary Architecture.
Testing the Endpoints of Your REST APIs
Tonya Cooper discusses how to test REST API endpoints through unit testing the controllers and integration testing with Postman.
Goodbye REST APIs. Hello GraphQL!
Cory House discusses GraphQL, what makes it attractive, how GraphQL integrates with React, Angular, Vue and others, and how to migrate from REST APIs.
A Brief, Opinionated History of the API
Joshua Bloch discusses the history of APIs and looks at a few prominent examples with an eye to distilling their essence.
Parallelizing Product Development with GraphQL
Chris Biscardi talks about how to drive API development forward with the data model as the source of truth using the GraphQL Schema Definition Language.
Documenting RESTful APIs with Spring REST Docs
Jenn Strater introduces Spring REST Docs and its test-driven approach to RESTful API documentation.
Microservices: API Re-Platforming @Expedia
Mariano Albera describes how the Expedia Affiliate Network unit underwent a massive replatforming project that moved from an on-prem monolith to a cloud-based microservice architecture.
Practical Eff Monad for Microservices
Eric Torreborre presents using the Eff monad at Zalando to structure a REST microservice, introducing an approach for dependency injection using the Reader monad (classic) and tree rewriting.
Expand Cloud Foundry for the Enterprise
Tim Leong discusses how Comcast leverages BOSH, the Service Broker API and Custom Buildpacks to add functionality to their DevOps teams to deploy and maintain geographically dispersed applications.
Gaining Control with the Web Animations API
Dan Wilson discusses Web Animations API, how it came to be, what are its benefits like timelines, controls, and its dynamic nature in addition to detailing what is available today and coming soon.