InfoQ Homepage Agile 2014 Content on InfoQ
Software Security, Agile & Protection Poker with Laurie Williams & Catherine Louis
Laurie and Catherine share a Planning Poker-type practice called Protection Poker that leverages a diversity of ideas, experience, and knowledge related to software security. Protection Poker provides a collaborative, interactive, and informal structure for abuse case development and threat modeling leading to a software security risk estimate and security risk reduction.
Lyssa Adkins and Michael Spayd on the state of Agile, Enterprise Adoption and Intergal Agile
Lyssa and Michael discuss the state of agile adoption in enterprises, what it really means to coach an agile enterprise and facilitating intense conversations. They introduce the Integral Agile model for organisational transformation and talk about Michael's upcoming book Coaching the Agile Enterprise.
John Krewson, Steve Ropa and Matt Badgley of VersionOne on their Agile 2014 Talks
Three speakers from VersionOne discuss the importance of strong technical practices, software craftsmanship, how agile software development is similar to working in the theatre and how to get the right balance in documentation.
Dajo Breddels On Provocative Coaching
Dajo Breddels sits down with InfoQ to discuss Provocative Therapy and how it can be applied to Agile coaching.
Shannon Ewan & Ahmed Sidky on ICAgile Learning Objectives and Expert Certifications
Shannon Ewan & Ahmed Sidky discuss the ICAgile approach to certification and accreditation, how learning objectives are identified and documented, making those learning objectives freely available through creative commons licensing and the multi-step pathway through knowledge to expertise and mastery
Linda Cook on Large Scale Release Planning and Agile Alliance Internationalization
Linda Cook talks about how large-scale release planning actually works, the practicalities of coordinating release planning with tens of tea and hundreds of participants. She also discusses her role as Treasurer of the Agile Alliance and how the Alliance is serving the international agile community.
Mitch Lacey and Paul Hammond on Agile 2014 and 2015 Conferences
InfoQ spoke to Mitch Lacey who was the Conference Chair for the Agile 2014 conference and with Paul Hammond who will take the role for Agile 2015 to be held in Washington DC, 3-7 August 2015.
Andrea Chiou On Clean Language and Clean Questions
Andrea Chiou joins us to discuss Clean Language and how we can use Clean Language Questions to explore topics and help people feel fully heard.
Richard Dolman & Steve Spearman on Comparing Agile Scaling Frameworks
Richard Dolman & Steve Spearman are agile coaches who are collaborating on producing a freely available tool to compare a variety of scaling frameworks for agile adoption. They spoke at Agile 2014 about the content of the tool and how organisations and teams can utilize it.
Jabe Bloom on the Evolution of Design Critique
Jabe Bloom explores the latest thinking in Design Critique and how this affects and interacts with Agile/Lean teams. He argues that if Design Thinking is utilised then there will be changing needs of Critique as the design moves forward through the process and offers solutions that he uses to ensure designers and teams increase collaborative ownership and become more effective
Olaf Lewitz on De-Scaling Your Organization and Using Temenos
Olaf Lewitz joins us to discuss how you can safely de-scale your organization and on using Temenos and Kris maps to focus on the core values of your organization.
Ardita Karaj on Helping Product Owners and Teams See the Value
Ardita Karaj joins us at the Agile 2014 conference to discuss how Product Owners and Teams can work together to use value to prioritize the work they do.