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Diana Larsen on Agile Fluency, Organisational Design and Being an Ally
In this podcast recorded at the Agile 2018 conference Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, spoke to Diana Larsen about the evolution of the Agile Fluency model, the rate of adoption of new ideas in organisations, organisation design and being an ally.
Jutta E. and John B. on Company-Wide Agility with Beyond Budgeting, Open Space and Sociocracy
In this podcast Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, spoke to Jutta Eckstein and John Buck about their new book: Company-wide Agility with Beyond Budgeting, Open Space and Sociocracy – BOSSA-Nova
Fred George on Solving Fuzzy Problems
In this podcast Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, spoke to Fred George about the need to solve “fuzzy problems” and approaches to doing so
Larry Cooper on Putting Value First & Cultural Agility
Shane Hastie spoke to Larry Cooper about the Agility Series – a collection of books and other resources which explore what agility means in many different dimensions.
Exploring Whether Agile is Still Agile
In this podcast, recorded at the Agile 2016 conference, Shane Hastie, InfoQ Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, talks to five of the leading minds of Agile Management: Steve Denning, Ray Arell, Todd Little, Hendrik Esser and Steve Holyer.