InfoQ Homepage Akka Content on InfoQ
High Performance Actors
Kiki Carter takes a deep-dive to investigate how efficient resource utilization is achieved with Akka & looks at some of the other libraries that Akka leverages for improved efficiency-Aeron, JCTools
Service Discovery Using CRDTs
Mushtaq Ahmed and Unmesh Joshi discuss using CRDTs in Akka to build service discovery for Thirty Meter Telescope.
Erlang and Akka Actors–A Story of Tradeoffs
Pranav Rao discusses how BEAM differs from Akka actors implemented over the JVM and how design decisions can affect performance.
Disrupting Development Using Reactive Event Sourced Systems with Akka
Jan Ypma presents a system which exposes reactive events as a real-time streaming REST API.
Rethinking Streaming Analytics for Scale
Helena Edelson addresses new architectures emerging for large scale streaming analytics based on Spark, Mesos, Akka, Cassandra and Kafka (SMACK) or Apache Flink or GearPump.
Akka Streams: Streaming Data Transformation à la Carte
Viktor Klang explores fast data streaming using Akka Streams - how to design robust transformation pipelines with built-in flow control able to take advantage of multicore and go over networks.
Distributed Eventually Consistent Computations
Christopher Meiklejohn looks at applying two techniques together, deterministic data flow programming and conflict-free replicated data types, to create highly available and fault-tolerant systems.
Beating the Traffic Jam Using Embedded Devices, OPC-UA, Akka and NoSQL
Kristoffer Dyrkorn presents the experiences gained by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration in building a new infrastructure for road traffic measurements.
Comparing Elasticity of Reactive Frameworks
Elasticity is a key component in reactive systems and James Ward navigates the different characteristics of different implementations of this concept: Akka, Scala, RxJava, and more.
Dr. Streamlove, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Flow
Viktor Klang shows the purpose and power of streaming concurrent data processing with safe bounds using back pressure, discussing Akka streams and dynamic runtime as well as compile time optimizations
Reactive APIs in Spray, Akka and Scala
Jan Machacek demos creating and using reactive APIs in Scala with Spray and Akka.
Reactive Streams: Handling Data-Flows the Reactive Way
Roland Kuhn introduces the guiding principles behind Reactive Streams’ design and along with examples using its actor-based implementation in Akka.