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  • Exploring Architectural Concepts Building a Card Game

    One of the things I missed during the pandemic were my friends, the possibility to meet them, discuss with them and, why not, play cards with them. So I decided to implement an app to play Scopone with my friends and, at the same time, test “in the code” some architectural concepts which had been intriguing me for some time.

  • Angular & ASP.NET Core 3.0 - Deep Dive

    While there are many advantages to using Angular for building SPAs, some parts including trivial, static content such as Contact As, Licensing, etc. don’t need the extra complexity. In this article Evgueni Tsygankov shows how to build reusable Angular components that can be hosted in ASP.NET Core pages, allowing you to choose the right tool for each page.

  • Angular Application Generator - an Architecture Overview

    It’s clear there are pros and cons to keep in mind before making decision to generate code, but what's the best approach to generating source code for Angular: templating or AST handling? In this article, we’ll take Angular source code generation to the next level by diving into techniques to make this consistent and maintainable, based on a DSL mechanism.

  • An Angular Wish List

    Angular is an excellent, full-featured JavaScript platform, but a stagnant framework is a dead framework. New features enhance functionality and provide new opportunities for developers to build wonderful apps. In this article, Eamon O'Tuathail makes suggestions on how to expand Angular's reach into new, exciting ways.

  • AngularJS in Action - An Interview With Lukas Ruebbelke

    AngularJS in Action by Lukas Ruebbelke is a hands-on book about Angular version 1. Through a sample ToDo list application, angello, it shows AngularJS’s architecture and components. With AngularJS v.2 Beta just being released, InfoQ spoke with the author about the lessons learned from the book and AngularJS present and future direction.