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Apache Drill - Interactive Query and Analysis at Scale
Michael Hausenblas introduces Apache Drill, a distributed system for interactive analysis of large-scale datasets, including its architecture and typical use cases.
Rebuilding Your Engine at 200 Miles per Hour
Michael Brunton-Spall shares his experience re-architect The Guardian’ Content API from a system based on Solr to a message queue cloud service based upon Elastic Search, without any downtime.
NetApp Case Study
Kumar Palaniapan and Scott Fleming present how NetApp deals with big data using Hadoop, HBase, Flume, and Solr, collecting and analyzing TBs of log data with Think Big Analytics.
The Guardian's Content Web API
Phil Wills discusses why The Guardian has introduced the Content Web API, how it has influenced the architecture of the site and how they develop software and collaborate with partners.
Introducing Apache Tomcat 7
Mark Thomas reviews some of the new features available in Apache Tomcat 7, including: Servlet 3.0, JSP 2.2, EL 2.2, asynchronous request processing, memory leak protection, and security improvements.
Voca, UK's largest payment processing engine running Spring
William Soo and Meeraj Kunnumpurath discuss the Voca transaction processing system, architectural challenges and requirements, Voca's Spring/J2EE architecture, and the future SEPA architecture.