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  • AppFabric Queues, Topics and Subscriptions Released

    Windows Azure AppFabric Features, Queues, Topics and Subscriptions, which were in CTP for some time now have now been released. These enable new scenarios for Applications hosted on Windows Azure such as asynchronous Cloud Eventing, Event-Driven SOA, Load leveling/balancing and more.

  • Second Level Caching with Entity Framework

    Second Level Caching is one of the features that is not present out-of-the-box in Entity Framework. In an MSDN article “Second-Level Caching in the Entity Framework and AppFabric” Julie Lerman shows how to implement Second Level Caching with Entity Framework to take advantage of caching services like Microsoft AppFabric.

  • Windows Server AppFabric adds Read-Through and Write-Behind Support

    The new Read-Through and Write-Behind support in AppFabric 1.1 allow developers to improve performance while at the same time reduce the complexity of their applications. This is done by moving the logic for reading from and writing to the database into the caching server itself. Other improvements include lazy-loading of session state information and support for ASP.NET output caching.

  • Windows Azure AppFabric CTP - Queues and Topics

    The Azure team recently shipped a Community Preview (CTP) for AppFabric, with Service Bus Queues and Service Bus Topics, which can be leveraged in a whole new set of scenarios to build Occasionally Connected or Distributed Systems.

  • Windows Azure Now Generally Available, Moving From Free To Pay

    As of February 1st, Microsoft's public cloud offering, Windows Azure, became part of the growing cloud market as it started charging for its services. Azure is one of the first Platform as a Service (PaaS) offerings to move from free, "early-adopter" to a pay-as-you-go business model. InfoQ spoke with Matt Deacon of Microsoft UK to learn more about this change and what it means for Azure users.

  • Azure Storage Options

    The Windows Azure Platform offers a wide range of storage options for unstructured, structured, and message style data. Deciding which option to use can be quite daunting, especially with the limitations of this new technology being so uncertain. This piece enumerates the storage options and discusses their basic capabilities and limitations relative to the other options available on the platform.