InfoQ Homepage Asynchronous Programming Content on InfoQ
Core.async - Communicating Sequential Processes using Channels, in Clojure
Rich Hickey presents the motivation, design and use of the Clojure core.async library, the reasons for choosing the CSP approach and how it helps to structure applications.
Programming a 144-computer Chip to Minimize Power
Chuck Moore discusses coding techniques for power savings: tight coding to minimize the number of instructions executed, reducing instruction fetches, transistor switching, and duty cycle.
Simplifying Asynchronous Code With Scala Async
Philipp Haller introduces Scala Async for asynchronous I/O with Futures and Promises.
Clojure core.async
Rich Hickey discusses the motivation, design and use of the Clojure core.async library.
Demystifying .NET 4.5 Async
Mitchel Sellers introduces .NET 4.5 Async, showing how to use it by means of examples.
Scala Async: A New Way to Simplify Asynchronous Code (Make the Compiler Do It!)
Philipp Haller explains how to do asynchronous programming in Scala with Scala Async, Futures and Promises.
RxJava in Clojure
Dave Ray explains using RxJava in Clojure for building non-blocking "Observable APIs" and efficiently compose asynchronous flows together using functional reactive operators.
Functional Async Without the Pain
Jim Powers presents ways to use functional programming techniques and the new Async framework for Scala to regain compositionality while retaining the power of the model.
A Bright Future Full of Promise: Asynchronous Pipelines in Scala and Java
Heather Miller shows how to perform asynchronous programming in Scala and Java with composable pipelines using the Futures and Promises API.
FRP in ClojureScript with Javelin
Alan Dipert introduces Javelin, a ClojureScript library, demonstrating how it can be used to express a variety of asynchronous workflows in concise and composable ways.
Asynchronous to Real-time Web Programming
Nilanjan Raychaudhuri presents some of the asynchronous techniques (Comet, HTTP Streaming, WebSockets, Server events) and frameworks (Asyn servlets, vert.x, Play) for building large web applications.
Going Async - Practical Patterns for Push-enabled Applications
Jeremy Grelle demoes patterns for building desktop or mobile applications leveraging WebSockets and Push-to-Device services with SockJS, RabbitMQ and Spring.