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Five Lessons Security Can Learn from DevOps
Just as DevOps emerged to meet new business needs, new approaches in security are now needed to address the challenges of a DevOps-driven world. These new security approaches themselves must incorporate DevOps practices that rely on modularity, automation, standardization, auditability, and mirrored systems.
How Ousta Simulates Rides within a Two-Minute Test Cycle
Egyptian ride hailing provider Ousta has two mobile apps which interact with an event driven architecture using microservices. The combination of EDA and microservices facilitated a simulation system for automation, and a rapid development and testing cycle.
Continuous Delivery Coding Patterns: Latent-to-Live Code & Forward Compatible Interim Versions
This article describes two novel practices for continuous delivery: Latent-to-live code pattern and Forward compatible interim versions. You can use these practices to simultaneously increase speed and reliability of software development and reduce risks. These practices are built on top of two other essential continuous delivery practices: trunk-based-development and feature toggles.
Technical Practices as a Hack on Consciousness: Why to Hack Yourself
Software technical practices are usually adopted as a means of creating better products. These practices can create and maintain a healthy human system. Technical practices raise the consciousness of individuals and the team as a whole. Technical practices hack consciousness giving us a quick, deep chute into depths of connection that improve our selves, our products, and our world.
So, How Do You Make Agile Successful?
It is not Agile's fault, it is your fault - Are you fed up with such statements? This article tries to provide a more constructive answer on how to make Agile successful. It first shows how Scrum can be harmful, then argues how Agile requires different skills on both product and delivery levels. It suggests to use CICD to counteract Scrum's traps and stresses the importance of systems thinking.
JUnit 5 - An Early Test Drive - Part 2
JUnit, Java's most ubiquitous testing framework, is getting an update. In part one of our JUnit 5 coverage, we looked at how we got here and wrote some preliminary tests. In part two, we take a closer look at how to run tests and at some of the very cool new features JUnit 5 brings to the table for us developers.
Book Review and Excerpt: Infrastructure as Code
In this article we review the book Infrastructure as Code - Managing Servers in the Cloud written by Kief Morris, who is leading Continuous Delivery and DevOps at ThoughtWorks Europe. In over 300 pages, Morris lays down the foundation for Infrastructure as Code and outlines the main patterns and practices recommended for building it.
How to Deal with COTS Products in a DevOps World
Mirco Hering explains why we shouldn't leave COTS products (and the people working on them) left behind in a DevOps world. With creative solutions we can apply good practices from custom software. This leads to a significant effort reduction in the long term.
Intro to knysa: Async-Await Style PhantomJS Scripting
Typical PhantomJS test frameworks suffer from callback hell and other tricks that reduce the clarity of how the program flows. Bo Zou created knysa which uses async-await style programming to eliminate these callbacks. Additionally, there's no need to resort to currying and common try-catch-fail constructs are used to maintain a sane path through the code.
Writing Maintainable Configuration Code
The article discusses a catalog of configuration smells containing 13 implementation configuration smells and 11 design configuration smells. It provides a few examples of configuration smells along with corresponding refactorings, explains their impact on the quality of the project, and lists a few tools that could be used to reveal such smells.
Article Series: Cloud and "Lock-in"
With the fast-pace of cloud changes (new services, providers entering and exiting), cloud lock-in remains a popular refrain. But what does it mean, and how can you ensure you're maximizing your cloud investment while keeping portability in mind?
Approaching Lock-In from a Consultant’s Perspective: An Interview with Nicki Watt
Consultants play a major role in helping companies deliver software. How do these consultants tackle lock-in and build portable solutions? In this interview, OpenCredo's Nicki Watt tackles this topic.