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Ajax Framework Comparison Tools article
A new article on BEA's Dev2Dev site provides a way to sort through the numerous Ajax frameworks that are available today. The goal of the technique is to make it easier to understand the distinctions between the various frameworks by placing them on a set of axes including declarative versus procedural and client-centric versus server-centric.
BEA SOA Cost Benefits Survey Results
BEA commissioned a survey on SOA cost/benefits in large comanies in North America and Europe who are doing SOA. 46% of companies intend to deploy 1-50 services within a year, 24% 51-100, and 15% 101-200 services. 75% of companies expected 11-40% reuse. ESB's were listed as the most expensive investment.
Java EE 5 Development Waiting on Application Server Vendors
Solution providers are holding off on Java EE 5 development until the major application server vendors release compatible updates. Dr. Dobb's reports that while Sun's Java System Application Server has support and BEA's WebLogic is close, IBM lags behind.
BEA Announces WebLogic 9.2 Platform
BEA has announced the completion and delivery of WebLogic Platform 9.2 (Server, Portal, and Integration) that are designed to provide a unified foundation for BEA's SOA 360 platform. Kodo 4.1, Workshop, and Workshop Studio also had new releases. InfoQ summarized the new features in WL Server and Portal.
BEA Publishes SOA Practitioner's Guide
BEA has self-published a set of guides that are designed to help develop a reference architecture for SOA and a guide to services lifecycle. These guides also contain input from BEA customers on successful SOA adoption.
WebLogic Real Time 1.1 Provides < 30 ms latency
BEA has released WebLogic Real Time (WLRT) Core Edition 1.1 today, their product intended to bring Java into what has traditionally the realm of C/C++ apps. Real Time claims to have 20 millisecond average latencies and 30-millisecond maximum latency on its own benchmark application. BEA is recommending Spring as the programming model for Real Time.
BEA Acquires IT Governance Vendor Flashline
Breaking News. BEA acquires Flashline, a Web Services and SOA governance asset repository company. The metadata repository is often cited as a critical component of SOA, providing a shared location to manage metadata, govern the asset lifecycle, and measure results.
BEA Finishes Moving OpenJPA Code to the Apache Incubator
BEA has finished the last set of OpenJPA code drops to the Apache Incubator. OpenJPA will be an enterprise grade JPA implementation suitable for production use. It will also form the basis for BEA's commercial Kodo 4.1 and WebLogic's JPA support.
BEA updates Aqualogic Service Bus
BEA has released its AquaLogic Service Bus v2.5. The update features a host of smaller feature updates including improved standards support for UDDI and SAML 1.1
WebLogic Server 9.2, Portal 9.2, Workshop on Eclipse Released
BEA last week released the WebLogic 9.2 platform family of products including WebLogic Server, WebLogic Portal (which now runs on WL 9.2), and Workshop for WebLogic (now built on Eclipse for the first time).
BEA Workshop (formerly M7 NitroX) 3.1 Adds EJB3, JPA, Spring
BEA a couple of weeks ago released BEA Workshop Studio 3.1, which is the former NitroX Eclipse productivity toolset that BEA acquired when they bought M7 last year. Main features of the new release is the EJB3 ORM Workbench, bundling of the Spring IDE Project and integration with Eclipse Web Tools Project 1.0.2.
SOA Vision, Implementation and Tooling
A review of the state of the SOA Vision, Implementation and Tooling. Includes pointers to recent tutorials, articles and product efforts that define an emerging web services programming style. These range from JBI and ESB styles to Java Frameworks and WS Stacks.
Pitchfork: EJB 3 Interception & Injection to WebLogic using Spring
Spring 2.0 is now being used by BEA to provide EJB 3 dependency injection and interception, the result of Pitchfork, a new Spring add-on project by BEA and Interface21 that allows Spring to provide JSR 250 dependency injection and EJB style interception. WebLogic users can also use additional Spring features over the EJB spec, and Pitchfork may be used by other Java EE servers in the future.
Open JPA: A real competitor to Hibernate emerging
BEA will be open sourcing a large part of the formerly commercial Kodo persistence engine from SolarMetric into the Apache OpenJPA project. Going forward, the commerical Kodo and WebLogic will be built on top of OpenJPA which will recieve a large commitment of resources from BEA for further development. OpenJPA may become a viable alternative to Hibernate this year.
Terracotta releases free 4 node Tomcat Session Clustering
JVM clustering vendor Terracotta has released for free use their Terracotta Sessions for Tomcat. The product is based on their distributed shared objects (DSO) product which uses a hub and spoke architecture and can synchronize changes across nodes at the field level (instead of serialization). The license allows projects with up to 4 nodes in their cluster to use it for free.