InfoQ Homepage Batch Processing Content on InfoQ
Building a Recommendation Engine with Spring and Hadoop
Michael Minella uses Spring XD and Spring Batch to orchestrate the full lifecycle of Hadoop processing and uses Apache Mahout to provide the audience with the recommendation processing.
Spring Batch Performance Tuning
Gunnar Hillert and Chris Schaefer examine various scalability options in order to improve the robustness and performance of the Spring Batch applications.
"Bootiful" Applications with Spring Boot
Josh Long and Phillip Webb present what Spring Boot is, why it's turning heads, why you should consider it for your next application and how to get started.
Introduction to Spring for Apache Hadoop
Thomas Risberg introduces the Spring for Apache Hadoop project and discusses integration with Spring XD, batch jobs and external data sources.
Unleash the Power of HBase Shell
Jayesh Thakrar shows what can be done with irb, how to exploit JRuby-Java integration, and demonstrates how the Shell can be used in Hadoop streaming to perform complex and large volume batch jobs.
Running with the Devil: Mechanical Sympathetic Networking
Todd Montgomery discusses messaging: application level batching, UDP datagram size’s impact on performance, sendmmsg/recvmmsg, implementing asynchronous calls.
Introduction to Spring Integration and Spring Batch
Gunnar Hillert and Gary Russell introduce Spring Integration and Spring Batch, how they differ, their commonalities, and how you can use them together.
JSR-352: Batch Standardization
Wayne Lund introduces Java Batch JSR-352 explaining the domain and job specification languages used, the programming model and the runtime specification of the standard.
Architecting Visa for Massive Scale and Continuous Innovation
John Davies examines Visa’s architecture and shows how enterprises have architected complex integrations incorporating Hadoop, memcached, Ruby on Rails, and others to deliver innovative solutions.
Concurrent and Distributed Applications with Spring
David Syer and Mark Fisher on using Spring to develop concurrent and distributed apps, covering topics such as: asynchronous execution, intra-process, inter-process and inter-JVM communication.
Automating Operations with Spring Batch and Spring Integration
Dave Syer and Mark Fisher demo using Spring Batch and Integration for real life situations where automation can save both operators and developers a lot of time by running automated batch jobs.
Introducing Spring Batch
Dave Syer discusses Spring Batch (SB), batch processing patterns, typical batch processing uses, SB concepts and capabilities, case studies, SB domain details and the SB roadmap.