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InfoQ Homepage Best Practices Content on InfoQ

  • Software Development Lessons Learned from Poker

    There is no silver bullet. We know it, but don't act like it. Your language, tool or process is better, right? Jay Fields says: "It depends". The right choices varies with context, people, and more. This article touches upon how a lot of things must impact a choice; learning culture, skill levels, teamwork, incomplete information, metrics - and context.

  • Version Control for Multiple Agile Teams

    When several agile development teams work on the same codebase, how do we minimize chaos, and ensure there's a clean, releasable version at the end of every iteration? Here Henrik Kniberg outlines the scheme used in "Scrum and XP from the Trenches". This paper is not so much for version control experts as for the rest of us, who just want to learn simple and useful ways to collaborate.

  • Better Best Practices

    Organizations often introduce Best Practices as part of a change program or quality initiative. These can take a number of forms, from cheat sheets to full-blown consultant-led methodologies, complete with the requisite auditing and accreditation. In this article, Dan North shows how best practices can not only fail to help, but even have a severe negative impact on your top performers.

  • SOA Governance: Crucial Necessity or Waste of Time?

    In this article, Gernot Starke introduces the concepts behind SOA Governance, how it relates to overall Corporate Governance and IT Governance, and how it should be applied both at design-time and at runtime. Gernot covers the key aspects that SOA Governance needs to address and explains the role governance tools.

  • Book Review: Implementation Patterns

    Kent Beck's new book, Implementation Patterns, is a book about writing code in Java. The patterns in this book are based on Kent's reading of existing code as well as his own programming habits. The patterns in this book are meant to be a coherent view of how to write code people can understand that serves human as well as economic needs.

  • 10 Principles of SOA

    In this article, InfoQ's Stefan Tilkov, consultant at innoQ, proposes 10 principles to serve as a basis for SOA discussions. The list starts with Don Box's four tenets (service with explicit boundaries, shared contract and schema, policy-driven, and autonomous) and expands them to include wire formats, document orientation, loose coupling, standards compliance, vendor independence, and metadata.