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Facebook Introduces Rome Experimental JavaScript Toolchain
Rome is an experimental JavaScript toolchain created by Babel and yarn creator Sebastian McKenzie and the React Native team at Facebook. Rome includes a compiler, linter, formatter, bundler, and testing framework, aiming to be "a comprehensive tool for anything related to the processing of JavaScript source code."
Web Packaging Proposal to Enable Offline Distribution, Installation and Usage of PWAs and Websites
The Web Packaging proposal was recently published by the Web Platform Incubator Community Group (WICG). Web Bundles, more formally known as Bundled HTTP Exchanges, are a key part of the packaging proposal and seek to address the offline distribution, installation, and consumption of web resources.
Snowpack Releases 1.0, Seeks to Speed Up App Development by Removing the Need for Bundlers
The Pika package registry recently released the first major version of Snowpack. Snowpack seeks to streamline the developer experience by leveraging web standards and modern browsers. Developers who restricts themselves to using ES modules, and standard features of the JavaScript language may no longer need to go through an often complex build chain to build, run and debug their applications.
Pika Brings Zero-Configuration Bundling and Publishing for NPM Packages
Pika revisits the discovery, bundling, packaging, and publishing of modern web applications. Its discovery module exposes an online search interface retrieving exclusively ECMAScript module-based packages (ES Module or ESM) published on npm. Its configuration-free packaging module builds, bundles and packages applications optimized for consumption in modern browsers and Node.js environments.
Rollup 1.0 Brings Code-Splitting to Library Bundling
Rollup recently released its first major iteration. Rollup 1.0 enables developers to code-split their library bundle. Libraries can thus expose several import targets with optimized bundles.