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From Monolith to Event-Driven: Finding Seams in Your Future Architecture
One of the challenges of migrating your system’s architecture is excluding non-desirable attributes and leaving the target state uncorrupted. An event-driven architecture and its related patterns, CQRS and Event Sourcing, are positioned well to introduce seams into the architecture that allow you to separate legacy and modern elements.
Running Axon Server - CQRS and Event Sourcing in Java
Axon Server Standard Edition is an Open Source, purpose-built solution supporting distributed CQRS and Event Sourcing applications written in Java with the Axon Framework. Part one in this series discusses running it locally and explores aspects of Administration/Security and Configuration. It also discusses more advanced features available with the Enterprise Edition - Clustering/Multi-Contexts.
CQRS for Enterprise Web Development: What's in it for Business?
With a focus on the business case for a CQRS architecture, this article covers the core concepts of Command Query Responsibility Segregation, and contrasts them with a common, n-tier architecture. Benefits including scalability and maintainability are highlighted, which can reduce the total cost of ownership, and lead to an improved return on investment when choosing a CQRS architecture.
High Load Trading Transaction Processing with Reveno CQRS/Event Sourcing Framework
Reveno is a powerful new, easy to use, highly performant, JVM based lock-free transaction processing framework based on CQRS and event-sourcing patterns. In this article we will develop a simple trading system implementation using the Reveno framework.
A Discussion with Allard Buijze on CQRS with the Axon framework
The Axon framework is a Java implementation of the Command and Query Responsibility Segregation. InfoQ talked with its creator, Allard Buijze, to find out more.