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Vanilla Extract - a Modern CSS in JS Library
Vanilla Extract is a new "CSS in JS" library that offers type safety, good theming support, and plenty of extensions, making it an exciting alternative to existing solutions such as Styled Components.
Charts.CSS, a Pure CSS Charting Library
Charts.css is a new data visualization library that relies solely on CSS and HTML. By avoiding the use of JavaScript/Canvas, it avoids many of the accessibility challenges in existing solutions while keeping the bundle size under 10KB when minified and gzipped.
New Lightbox Script To Combine Responsive Images with Browser Compatibility
Marek Grzybek has released version 0.7 of baguetteBox.js, a lightbox script in pure JavaScript.
Guidelines for Responsive Website Design
This article includes several guidelines for creating websites that scale for different screen sizes and form factors.
Version 5 of Programmer's Text Editor jEdit Released with Support for Scala and Dart
jEdit version 5.0.0 was recently released. It has new editing modes for Scala and Dart, and improved Mac OS X support regarding the UI and keymappings. All keyboard shortcuts are now configurable and presets are offered for Emacs and IntelliJ IDEA. This is also the first version that supports localization (French, German, Russian, Czech and Japanese are offered).
Telerik ASP.NET AJAX Q1 2013 with Persistence Framework and iOS6 Support
Telerik has announced the roadmap for ASP.NET AJAX Q1 2013 release which is slated to ship with support for Persistence Framework, iOS6 and SASS including two new controls and enhancements for the existing controls.
Embarcadero Updates Delphi and C++ Builder, Launches HTML5 Builder
Embarcadero Technologies launched a major overhaul of its development tools line that includes RAD Studio XE3, Delphi XE3 and C++Builder XE3. The company also launched HTML5 Builder for Mobile and Web app developers. InfoQ spoke with John Thomas, Director of Product Management at Embarcadero.
Rich page layout with HTML and CSS3
Adobe is applying is experience in print media to CSS with the introduction of CSS3 Regions and Exclusions. These features will allow a single block of content to span multiple columns and weave its way around pictures and charts much like you would see in a magazine or newspaper.
Sencha Beats Adobe in the Race for the 1st HTML5/CSS3 Animation Tool
Sencha released Animator, a tool for creating CSS-based animations, that lets designers create interactive HTML5/CSS3-based animations that run smoothly on desktop and mobile devices, without requiring a plug-in. Sencha Animator enables designers to leverage Web standards and create, cross-platform animations for WebKit browsers, Internet Explorer 10, and popular touchscreen mobile devices
Visual Studio Gets Better Support for HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript
Following Microsoft’s announcement that Windows 8’ UI will be based on HTML5 and JavaScript, it is no surprise that Visual Studio 2010 has got an update polishing its HTML5, JavaScript and CSS3 support: up-to-date W3C-based intellisense and validation for HTML5 and CSS3, plus Geolocation and DOM storage intellisense.
HTML 5 and CSS 3 Support for Expression Web
Microsoft has released an update to Expression Web 4 to support HTML 5 and CSS 3 development. This update, part of Service Pack 1, is only a partial solution; it offers IntelliSense and error-checking support but with only partial preview support. This update also includes expanded support for PHP IntelliSense.