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GitHub Passes 2m Repositories
GitHub recently announced they had passed two million git repositories hosted, with 70% being created in the last year alone and an expected 1m users later this year. What else is new at GitHub?
EGit Eclipse Git plug-in released
The first public version of the org.eclipse EGit plug-in version 0.7.1 has been released at EclipseCon. EGit is based on the pure Java implementation JGit, which means that it has no external dependencies or native code requirements; something which has historically hindered the adoption of Eclipse's Subversion support.
ThoughtWorks’ Developers Favor Distributed Version Control Systems
Martin Fowler has conducted a survey on ThoughtWorks’ software development mailing list to determine how some of the version control systems (VCS) are perceived by developers. He also wrote a review of most prominent VCSes comparing centralized and distributed systems.
Article: Distributed Version Control Systems - a guide
Since Linus Torvalds presentation at Google about git in May 2007, the adoption and interest for Distributed Version Control Systems has been constantly rising. In this article, Sebastien Auvray introduces the concept of Distributed Version Control, see when to use it, why it may be better than what you're currently using, and have a look at three actors in the area: git, Mercurial and Bazaar.