InfoQ Homepage Caching Content on InfoQ
Yes, SQL!
Uri Cohen presents the key characteristics of SQL and NoSQL databases and how to create a layer on top of distributed data stores in order to use SQL to query for data.
Advanced GORM - Performance, Customization and Monitoring
Burt Beckwith discusses potential performance problems using mapped collections and Hibernate 2nd-level cache in GORM, along with strategies for avoiding such performance penalties.
Squid Wrangling
Sam Newman and Chris Read describe the architectural change of a large European website by introducing a caching layer based on Squid, and the cultural change done by breaking down the dev-ops silos.
Yes, SQL!
Uri Cohen reviews SQL and distributed data stores, presenting how various API’s – memcached, SQL/JDBC, JPA - can be used to interact with such data stores, specifying what jobs they are best used for.
Scaling Australia's Most Popular Online News Sites with Ehcache
A real-world experience of implementing Ehcache at Australia's most visited online news site. How to deal with high traffic, concurrency, and how to implement linear scalability.
Scaling Your Cache & Caching at Scale
Alex Miller presents typical difficulties encountered when setting up a cache, plus available choices for designing a distributed caching architecture, and ways to test a cache for performance.
Scale at Facebook
Beside presenting the overall Facebook architecture and scaling solutions used, Aditya Agarwal talks about the iterative process of constantly improving the site, making sure to avoid over-engineering
Horizontal Scalability via Transient, Shardable, and Share-Nothing Resources
Adam Wiggins details how memcached, CouchDB, Hadoop, Redis, Varnish, RabbitMQ, Erlang apply the transient, shardable and share-nothing principles to achieve horizontal scalability.
Evolving the Key/Value Programming Model to a Higher Level
Billy Newport discusses the ways that developers interact with key/value stores, entity vs column-oriented approaches, sync vs async operations, large data sets, and collocating closures and data.
A Crash Course in Modern Hardware
Cliff Click discusses the Von Neumann architecture, CISC vs RISC, Instruction-Level Parallelism, pipelining, out-of-order dispatch, cache misses, memory performance, and tips to improve performance.
Data Grid Design Patterns
Brian Oliver explains a number of data grid design patters: Command, Functor, Messaging, and Push Replication. He also mentions some traditional patterns used so far and Coherence Incubator.
An Introduction to Data Grids
Cameron Purdy explains techniques used to process data in a grid, presents examples of data grids solving complex problems and introduces Coherence, Oracle’s data grid solution.