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Becoming More Assertive: How to Express Yourself, Give Feedback, and Set Boundaries
Do you know that feeling, when you are brave enough to say ‘NO’ and then you don’t feel comfortable about it? This article provides a proper understanding of what an assertiveness skill is. You will learn how to identify the communication skills we need to work on to become more assertive, and get information about the characteristics and skills of assertive people.
Assessing Organizational Culture to Drive SRE Adoption
SRE adoption is greatly influenced by the organizational culture at hand. This article describes how to assess the organizational culture in terms of production operations at the beginning of the SRE transformation. It provides a roadmap of small culture changes accumulating over time, and shows how the leadership facilitated the necessary culture changes
How Skyscanner Embedded a Team Metrics Culture for Continuous Improvement
This article explains why Skyscanner decided not just to deploy a tool, but to think about this as changing their engineering management culture to being one that values and utilises metrics to drive greater improvement at scale. It shows how they evaluated tools to find one that would enable their teams and reinforce the cultural change that was the fundamental goal of this exercise.
Secure Delivery: Better Workflows for Secure Systems and Pain-Free Delivery
The software delivery process has been transformed in the last decade; we’ve adopted well-understood workflows around functions such as testing, release management and operational support. In this article we'll explore the impact that security workflows have on software delivery, explain the root causes and share battle-proven techniques to show how we can make delivering secure software easier.
DevOps at Schneider: a Meaningful Journey of Engaging People into Change
Adopting DevOps at Schneider started with building a case for change. Tech people were engaged into change by organizing learning and collaboration sessions and getting feedback from the front lines. Change is hard and without leadership support, dedicated time for developers to really digest it and continual reinforcement and conversation, it will be challenging to be successful.
How Development Teams Can Orchestrate Their Workflow with Pipelines as Code
Infrastructure as Code was just the beginning. Configuration as Code followed shortly after – again becoming extremely commonplace and enabling organisations to scale their engineering capacity by a number of times. And in order to continuously increase the value development teams generate, Pipelines as Code is the natural consequence.
Building Tech at Presidential Scale
Dan Woods discusses the unique challenges of building and running tech for a presidential cycle. Woods also describes how ML was applied at foundational points to reduce operating costs and some of the architectural choices made.
Improving Speed and Stability of Software Delivery Simultaneously at Siemens Healthineers
In this article, we focus on the software delivery process at Siemens Healthineers Digital Health. The process is subject to strict regulations valid in the medical industry. We show our journey of transforming the process towards speed and stability. Both measures improved at the same time during the transformation, confirming research from the “Accelerate” book.
Leveraging Small Teams to Scale Agility - a Red Hat Case Study
This article gives you a sneak peek into the adoption of Agile methodology at Red Hat. It shows how they have split the existing large subsystem team into smaller durable Scrum teams. Small teams scale well. They can more easily clarify dependencies and increase focus, leading to an increase in the ability to complete work, can mature faster, and can learn from a “fail fast” mentality more easily.
The DDD Do-Over
Jimmy Bogard had a rare opportunity to do what many developers want after finishing a tough project -- a do-over. His team worked on two very similar projects, both using DDD. He discusses the lessons learned from the first project and how the team avoided common pitfalls and was more successful on their later project.
Garage Door Openers: An Internet of Things Case Study
In this article, author discusses how to design an Internet-connected garage door opener ("IoT opener") to be secure. He talks about cloud service authentication and security improvements offered by networked openers, like two-factor authentication (2FA). He also discusses security infrastructure for IoT devices, which includes user authentication, access policy creation & enforcement.
Embedding Reflection and Learning into Agile Software Development
In this article, authors discuss the Reflective Agile Learning Model (REALM) that embeds reflective practice into the iterative and agile software engineering development cycle. This model combines insights and results from studies of agile development practices used in real-world projects.