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LinkedIn Adopts Protocol Buffers for Microservices Integration and Reduces Latency by up to 60%
LinkedIn adopted Protocol Buffers for exchanging data between microservices more efficiently across its platform and integrated it with, their open-source REST framework. After the company-wide rollout, they reduced the latency by up to 60% and improved resource utilization at the same time.
Yelp Rebuilds Corrupted Cassandra Cluster Using Its Data Streaming Architecture
Yelp created a solution to sanitize data from the corrupted Apache Cassandra cluster utilizing its data streaming architecture. The team explored many potential options to address the data corruption issue, however, ultimately had to move the data into a new cluster to remove corrupted records in the process.
StackFeed: Cloud Service Updates as a Service
In the fast-paced field of cloud services, staying current with service updates is often challenging. The recently announced StackFeed aims to address this issue, especially for software architects managing multi-cloud architectures. Architects select cloud services they're interested in, and StackFeed generates a customised service update feed consumable using an RSS reader, Slack or Teams.
PayPal Adopts GraphQL: Gains Increased Developer Productivity
PayPal recently published a blog post describing PayPal's adoption of GraphQL over the recent years. It started with a single Checkout application in 2018 and amounted to creating a unified federated API with GraphQL federation. The adoption of GraphQL across the organisation promoted increased developer productivity and faster application shipment.
Successful Software Rewrites: The Slack for Desktop Case
With Netscape as an example, Joel Spolsky, co-founder of Stack Overflow, posited that rewriting code from scratch is the single worst strategic mistake any software company can make. The recent rewrite of Slack for Desktop seems to indicate otherwise.
A Sample Serverless Microservice Architecture from Autodesk
In the webcast entitled "What's Better Than Microservices? Serverless Microservices," Alan Williams (Autodesk), Asha Chakrabarty (Amazon) and Alan Ho (Apigee) discuss the architecture of a serverless microservice built with lambda functions with Apigee end-points running on AWS.
- Replaces PHP with JavaScript has replaced PHP with web technologies and a RESTful back-end API for the administration console.
DevOps at the UK Government
Anna Shipman, technical architect at UK's Government Digital Service (GDS), revealed to the QCon London attendees how DevOps permeates their culture. GDS aims to lead the digital transformation of UK's government, "mak[ing] digital services and information simpler, clearer and faster". Its most well known site is GOV.UK, which provides government information and services.
How Agile Can Learn from Behavioral Economics
People often don’t decide and act rationally, according to studies from the area of behavioral economics. Pierre Hervouet describes how our brain takes decisions, talks about experiments on using personas and the IKEA effect and explains what we can learn from these experiments for agile software development.
Coverity 2012: How to Get a Low Defect Density
This article contains the testimonies of several project leaders detailing the process used to achieve a low Coverity Scan defect density.