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New COOP and COEP Cross-Origin Policies for Increased Security in Chrome and Firefox
Eiji Kitamura recently addressed in a talk at Google’s live the new COOP and COEP policies that dictate how browsers handle cross-origin resources. The new opener (COOP) and embedded (COEP) policies set up a cross-origin isolated environment that protects against Spectre attacks while restoring powerful, previously disabled features (SharedArrayMemoryBuffer and more).
Crowdfunding Web APIs - Igalia Lets Developers Fund APIs They Care About
Igalia, an open-source consultancy that contributed a large part of the CSS Grid implementation in WebKit and Chromium, is experimenting with the crowd-funding of new web APIs. Starting with six HTML/CSS features, the experiment gives developers a larger say on what web APIs get implemented and when.
Chrome 85 DevTools Support CSS-in-JS and Lighthouse 6
The forthcoming Chrome 85 release in August includes style editing for CSS-in-JS frameworks, Lighthouse 6, support for new ES2020 features, and several other helpful additions for web developers.
JavaScript Reaches the Final Frontier: Space
The recent SpaceX Dragon launch brings JavaScript to space. Leveraging Chromium and JavaScript, significant portions of the user interface rely on web technologies.
Playwright 1.0 Release Automates Chromium, Firefox, and WebKit-Based Browsers
The Playwright 1.0 release and now supports automation with all evergreen browsers based on the Chromium, Firefox, and WebKit browser engines.
Chrome 83 DevTools Emulates Vision Deficiencies and Locales
The forthcoming Chrome 83 release includes significant updates to DevTools, including emulation of vision deficiencies and user locales, cross-origin opener policy (COOP) debugging, and cross-origin embedder policy (COEP) debugging, and network request filtering for cookie paths.
Chrome 81 Release Features New AR and NFC Features, and Redesigned HTML Form Controls
Google recently released Chrome 81 on desktop and mobile phones. This latest release provides new augmented reality (AR) features and new NFC features, and also shipped with redesigned HTML form controls. The redesign aims at improving the look and feel of form controls, and providing better accessibility and touch support.
Chrome 80 Released with New Cookie Policy, Module Workers and Optional Chaining
Google recently released Google Chrome 80. Chrome 80 brings important changes to its cookie policy, supports modules in workers and optional chaining in JavaScript; adds new origin trials while graduating previous origin trials; links directly to text fragments on a page with a new hashtag syntax; and more.
Web Packaging Proposal to Enable Offline Distribution, Installation and Usage of PWAs and Websites
The Web Packaging proposal was recently published by the Web Platform Incubator Community Group (WICG). Web Bundles, more formally known as Bundled HTTP Exchanges, are a key part of the packaging proposal and seek to address the offline distribution, installation, and consumption of web resources.
V8 JavaScript Engine 8.0 Reduces Heap by 40%, Adds Optional Chaining and Null Coalescing
The latest release of Google's V8 JavaScript engine, V8 8.0, uses pointer compression to reduce heap size by 40% and with no performance hit. Additionally, it adds support for optional chaining using the ?. operator and for nullish coalescence using ??. V8 v8.0 will be officially available with Chrome version 80.
Mozilla Will Continue to Support Existing Ad Blockers, Partially Implementing Extension Manifest V3
Mozilla will continue to support existing extensions which prevent ads from being displayed, unlike Google, which in its draft Extensions Manifest v3, proposes changes to the browser extensions mechanism which may break ad-blockers.
Facebook Proposes New IsInputPending API for Faster Input Event Processing
Facebook recently announced its first major browser API contribution. The new isInputPending API aims to shorten the time between a user input and its processing by the browser, and to increase the user experience of highly interactive applications.
Chrome 76 Shipped With PWA Installation, Stealthier Incognito Mode, Extension Tracking
Google recently released Google Chrome 76. Chrome 76 makes it easier to install Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) on the desktop, disables a commonly used Incognito Mode detection technique, and allows users to track extension activities.
V8 JavaScript Engine 7.4, 7.5, and 7.6 Add Numerous Performance Improvements
The recent 7.4, 7.5, and 7.6 versions of Google's V8 JavaScript engine add several WebAssembly features and JavaScript performance improvements.
Microsoft's Chromium-Based WebView2 Supports Hybrid Windows Web Apps
Microsoft recently announced a preview release of WebView2, a Chromium-based control to host web content within native Windows applications. Developers building applications that support Chromium-based browsers will get the same benefits when building hybrid applications with WebView.