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  • Multi-Cloud Is a Safety Belt for the Speed Freaks

    Cloud bursting! On-premises! Hybrid cloud! Off-premises! Multi-cloud! These are phrases author Michael Coté heard over the past 10 years when covering cloud as an analyst, strategist, and now evangelist. Each of them makes logical sense, especially on a big whiteboard with boxes and arrows going to and fro. In recent times, it’s the last - multi-cloud - that he's seen in actual practice the most.

  • Controlling Hybrid Cloud Complexity with Containers: CoreOS, rkt, and Image Standards

    Public IaaS or PaaS offerings may not satisfy the regulatory, security, or performance demands of every workload. This article explores how CoreOS have studied the emerging state-of-the-art application design and deployment patterns, and created and integrated a number of open source projects in pursuit of a modular platform that satisfies the needs of modern container cluster infrastructure.

  • Is HyperContainer the Answer for Cloud Native Applications?

    Xu Wang introduces HyperContainer, a runtime for running Docker images on any hypervisor, providing hardware-enforced isolation for multi-tenant environments.

  • Build High Performance JVM Microservices with Ratpack & Spring Boot

    Ratpack and Spring Boot offer powerful platforms in the JVM ecosystem for building microservices that garner an unparalleled merger of performance and extensibility. Ratpack microservices and Spring Boot's convention-over-configuration succinctly leverage Spring Data to create data driven RESTful HTTP APIs in a lightweight, cloud native deployment.

  • Transitioning to Cloud Native Applications and Beyond

    Enterprises have continued to accelerate their adoption of cloud infrastructures. As this shift continues, it is important to understand what this means to applications that run in cloud environments.

  • The Cloud Migration Checklist

    Are you in the process of moving applications to a public cloud? You’re not alone. 451 Research says that 46% of 2015 IT budgets are going towards off-premises systems, with that number expected to climb to over 50% within the next three years. In this article, we’ll explore four stages in a cloud migration lifecycle and the questions to answer before exiting each one.

  • Cloud Native Architectures - a Conversation with Matt Stine

    Rags Srinivas caught up with Matt Stine at the O'Reilly Architecture conference in Boston, MA. Matt talks about Cloud Native Architectures and some of the cultural and technological challenges. He talks about some of the NetFlix services and how Spring is wrapping it up to be able to architect and develop microservices on the platform. He also talks about SOA and what it probably missed out.

  • Virtual Roundtable: The Role of Containers in Modern Applications

    JP Morgenthal recently published a controversial article entitled “Containers Are Designed for an Antiquated Application Architecture.” After observing a lively debate on Twitter, InfoQ reached out to some of the most influential (and opinionated!) tech leaders in the industry – including Morgenthal himself – and asked them to participate in a virtual roundtable.