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Building Green Software with Anne Currie and Sara Bergman
What Does It Mean to Be Green in IT? That's the question that begins chapter one in Building Green Software. In this episode, Thomas Betts is joined by two of the book's authors, Anne Currie and Sara Bergman. The discussion covers general themes and digs into some practical advice for all software practitioners.
Lessons Learned from the CrowdStrike Incident: InfoQ Dev Summit Munich 2024 Preview
In this podcast episode, speakers from the InfoQ Dev Summit Munich 2024 discuss the recent CrowdStrike incident, which triggered widespread outages and highlighted vulnerabilities in cloud infrastructure. The panel shares personal experiences and emphasizes the implications of cloud dependency, and the lessons learned about risk management and automation in organizations.
Deepthi Sigireddi on Distributed Database Architecture in the Cloud Native Era
In this podcast, Vitess CNCF project technical lead Deepthi Sigireddi discusses the architecture of cloud native distributed databases, sharding, replication, and failover. She also talks about what DB developers should consider when choosing distributed databases.
InfoQ Cloud and DevOps Trends 2023
In this episode of the podcast, members of the InfoQ editorial staff and friends of InfoQ will be discussing the current trends in the domain of cloud and DevOps.
Getting to Know Dapr with Mark Fussell and Yaron Schneider
In the latest InfoQ Architecture and Design Trends Report, Dapr is part of the early adopter ideas of design for portability and cloud-bound applications. Dapr provides APIs that abstract away the infrastructure details for modern applications, providing secure, best practice implementations that work across any cloud, framework, and language.