InfoQ Homepage Cloud Content on InfoQ
Racing Thru the Last Mile: Cloud Delivery & Web-Scale Deployment
Alex Papadimoulis conducts a tutorial on delivery and deployment at scale.
Cloud and Big Data: Unicorns All the Way Down
Francine Bennett keynotes on using big data in the cloud.
Cloud and Banking IT, Each Can Learn from the Other
Richard Croucher discusses the characteristics of banking and cloud IT systems, detailing on their strengths and weaknesses.
Building a PaaS in Clojure
Allen Rohner shares the difficulties encountered and the lessons learned building a PaaS in Clojure.
Surviving in a Feudal Security World
Bruce Schneier puts security in the context of today's allegiance to cloud and SaaS providers, the recent news about PRISM and the lack of privacy for us as citizens.
Racing Thru the Last Mile: Cloud Delivery Web-Scale Deployment
Alex Papadimoulis discusses various deployment strategies, scalable delivery, with examples from real-world organizations such as, Twitter, and Google.
Extending Cloud Foundry with New Services
Andrew Crump and Chris Hedley discuss extending Cloud Foundry with your own services, including customization at deployment time, and common concerns such as security and user quotas.
Clouds in Government - Perils of Portability
Gareth Rushgrove emphasized the importance of cloud portability in a world of Infrastructure and Platform as a Service, offering examples taken from the development of GOV.UK.
Continuous Delivery in the Cloud
Robert Chatley discusses using the cloud to shorten the release cycle, to ensure scalability, and explains how to deploy to the cloud in a repeatable and reliable way.
Cloud Computing Impact on Future Enterprise Architectures
Jaap Schekkerman discusses cloud service models, benefits and risks, and how cloud computing is going to influence the enterprise architecture.
Integration in the New Cloud World: Are You Prepared?
Pablo Luna provides cloud integration guidance, explaining why it is a prerequisite for mobile development projects and presenting techniques for building business cases for cloud integration.
Building Google Cloud Storage
Nathan Herring presents the available storage options at Google, the ideal characteristics of a storage service, and the actual implementation of Google Cloud Storage.