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Cloud Foundry Foundation Forms with 40 Member Companies
Cloud Foundry Foundation is formed to established formal open governance model for the Cloud Foundry open source Platform as a Service (PaaS).
Deis adds Support for Docker Hub
Docker based Platform as a Service (PaaS) Deis has announced integration with Docker Hub as a source for container images. This complements their existing integration with Git. The open source platform is built on Docker and CoreOS to present a Heroku inspired workflow.
Cloud Foundry Foundation
Pivotal have announced ‘moves to establish [an] open governance model for Cloud Foundry’ by creating a Cloud Foundry Foundation. EMC, HP, IBM, Rackspace, SAP and VMware have expressed a desire to join the foundation as platinum sponsors. ActiveState and CenturyLink will join as gold level sponsors.
Orion 5 Supports More Languages and Can Deploy to Cloud
Enhancements in Orion 5 include: syntax highlighting for several languages, content assist for several Node.js libraries and databases, better syntax validation, cloud deployment and others.
Economics of Application Virtualization on AWS
Most users of Amazon EC2 use the service inefficiently with only a 15% utilization of the infrastructure. The most effective way to use EC2 is by running many applications in large memory reserved instances. James Watters describes how the new architecture of Cloud Foundry uses Linux Control Groups to optimise efficiency and reduce costs by up to a factor of 10.
Cloud Foundry Announces New Version, Deprecates Old
Cloud Foundry has announced the deprecation of its current service and planned launch of Cloud Foundry V2. The new service will become a paid service along with a new architecture and new features including a web console, team development and buildpacks for customizing languages and runtime environments. There will also be support for custom domains and a services marketplace.
VMware Spins Out SpringSource, Cloud Foundry and GemFire
Following months of speculation, VMware has officially announced plans to transfer many of its tier 2 technologies, including the Spring framework, distributed in-memory data cache GemFire, the Cloud Foundry PaaS, and Hadoop analytics tool Cetas, to parent company EMC as part of a newly formed initiative called Pivotal.
Cloud Foundry Core: Portability Across Cloud Foundry Vendors
Cloud Foundry Core is a web application that verifies public instances (Cloud Foundry Endpoints) against a common set of runtimes and services. This helps portability across companies that provide Cloud Foundry instances. At the same time a new version Micro Cloud Foundry is released with support for Java 7.0, JRuby, Play 2.0 framework and more.
VMware's vFabric Suite Gains Automated Deployment and PostgreSQL Support
VMware has today announced VMware vFabric Suite 5.1, adding automated deployment, enterprise open source support, and PostgreSQL capabilities, as well as an expansion to the SQLFire in-memory database.
SpringSource Releases Version 1.0 Of Cloud Foundry Eclipse Plugin
SpringSource releases version 1.0 of CloudFoundry integration for Eclipse, allowing developers to manage CloudFoundry applications directly from the IDE. The plugin allows for managing and deployment of Cloud Foundry instances, binding of supported services such as database and viewing for remote files.
Cloud Foundry Celebrates First Anniversary By Highlighting Its Community
At an VMware-hosted event in Palo Alto, the Cloud Foundry team summarized their first year as an open source, multi-language Platform as a Service (PaaS). VMware CTO Steve Herrod pointed to the project’s strong developer adoption and thriving ecosystem as proof that this platform has staying power.
.NET Framework Support for Cloud Foundry Through Open Source Contribution From Tier 3
Cloud service provider Tier 3 has released Iron Foundry, a .NET-friendly fork of VMware’s Cloud Foundry platform-as-a-service. Iron Foundry gives the sizeable number of .NET developers an open source alternative to Windows Azure and lets them participate in the increasingly popular Cloud Foundry ecosystem.
VMware's CloudFoundry Service Gains Support for PostgreSQL
VMware is adding support for PostgreSQL to CloudFoundry, it's open source PAAS solution.
VMware Releases Free Version of Micro Cloud Foundry
VMware today released a free downloadable version of its Cloud Foundry software, called Micro Cloud Foundry, designed to run locally on a developer’s workstation in a single virtual machine. Mac and PC developers can run and build cloud applications locally without having to configure middleware, and scale and deploy to their applications wherever they want without modifying code.
VMware Announces vFabric Cloud Application Platform 5, Simplifies Licensing and Deployment
VMware has today announced that the next version of its vFabric cloud application platform, which it expects to ship later in the summer, will see a licensing change to a per VM model. The platform gains elastic memory for Java applications running in Spring tc Server, and a new performance monitoring tool for Spring applications running in production, based on Spring Insight.