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Categories for the Working Programmer
Jeremy Gibbons explains categories, focusing on them as an organizing principle helpful in managing generic libraries.
SQL Strikes Back! Recent Trends in Data Persistence and Analysis
Dean Wampler takes a look at SQL’s resurgence and specific example technologies, including: NewSQL, Hybrid SQL, SQL abstractions on top of file-based data, SQL as a functional programming language.
Dr. Streamlove, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Flow
Viktor Klang shows the purpose and power of streaming concurrent data processing with safe bounds using back pressure, discussing Akka streams and dynamic runtime as well as compile time optimizations
NoSQL Is Dead
Eric Redmond explains the differences and commonalities amongst many kinds of databases and takes a stab at the marketing term “NoSQL.”
The F# Way To Relaxation
Don Syme makes a journey through the modern programming landscape and the F# approach to research, language design, interoperability, tooling and community.
Intro to Datomic
Stuart Sierra provides an introduction to Datomic's data model, architecture, query syntax, and transactions.
Complexity Is Outside the Code
Dan North and Jessica Kerr make a journey through complexity. At the other side we may find simplicity, or we may find the light at the end of the tunnel is just another oncoming ESB.
Clojure Core.Async
Timothy Baldridge introduces Clojure’s Core.Async library, presenting the motivation behind the library and examples in Clojure and ClojureScript helpful to decouple subsystems in an application.
Practicing at the Cutting Edge: Learning and Unlearning about Performance
Martin Thompson discusses the major steps in the evolution of Java and how it contrasts to alternative technologies, and the challenges of pushing the limits of performance.
Are You Ready for 1000-Way Parallelism on a Single Chip?
Andreas Olofsson reviews the history of processors and outlines some of the challenges ahead, introducing project Parallella meant to speed up the transition to massively parallel computing.
Fighting Bit Rot with your Mind
Viktor Klang discusses approaches to writing software without building a complex, full of bugs and hard to maintain basecode.
Building a Trading Platform in 6 Weeks in an Organization That Would Really Rather We Didn't
Lance Walton shares the experience of a small team building a trading platform in 6 weeks in Scala and Lift while fighting against an opposing organizational culture.