InfoQ Homepage Code Generation Cambridge UK 2012 Content on InfoQ
Panel: Code Generation - How Far Have We Come in 5 Years?
Andrew Watson, Wim Bast, Steven Kelly, Darius Silingas and Markus Völter make a retrospective of the last five years of Code Generation conferences.
How to Get Your Boss to Approve MDD
Juha-Pekka Tolvanen provides advice and information useful for convincing colleagues and managers why MDD is worth using for development.
Concrete Syntax Matters
Steven Kelly discusses designing languages for humans based on insight from cognitive and empirical research.
Assessing and Improving Model Quality
Darius Silingas emphasized the need for quality models in MDD, presenting a number of anti-patterns along with best practices for creating them.
Speed and Innovation through Architecture
Jan Bosch discusses the importance of speed and innovation in software development, covering Innovation Experiment Systems, a 3 layer product model, and the role of architecture and scalability.
Developing Advanced IDE Functionality for Your DSLs
Alex Shatalin and Václav Pech discuss several language workbenches features - type system, dataflow, VCS, refactoring, debugging, and others – with examples based on JetBrains MPS.
Moving From Coding To Model-Driven Development: Hands-On with MetaEdit+, Part 2
Steven Kelly and Risto Pohjonen continue their hands-on session developing apps with MetaEdit+. (see: Moving From Coding To Model-Driven Development: Hands-On with MetaEdit+, Part 1)
Moving From Coding To Model-Driven Development: Hands-On with MetaEdit+, Part 1
Risto Pohjonen and Steven Kelly conduct a hands-on session using MetaEdit+ to create several graphic DSLs.
What‘s Your Silver Bullet?
Marina Haase runs a highly participatory session collecting and analyzing ideas meant to help understand how MDSD works, and to uncover new techniques and tools.
Transforming a 15 Year Old Model-driven Application from C++ to Java
Eric Jan Malotaux shares his experience converting a legacy C++ application to Java, the strategy used, the lessons learned along the way, and the unsolved issues remaining.
Building Your Own Java, Part 2
Alex Shatalin and Václav Pech continue their language building demo using JetBrains MPS started in Part 1 of this presentations (see “Building Your Own Java, Part 1” on InfoQ).
Building Your Own Java, Part 1
Alex Shatalin and Václav Pech hold a hands on demonstration on using JetBrains MPS to generate a new language, including version control, debugging, testing, refactoring, etc.