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Creating a Metro Style Geospatial Application Using Windows 8, HTML5, and JavaScript
Jason Follas explains how to create a Windows Metro application processing geo-spatial data coming from hardware sensors with HTML and JavaScript/WinJS.
The Algorithms Still Count
Shawn Wallace takes a look at several problems explaining how to evaluate possible solutions and to compare with each other.
CoffeeScript: Good, Bold, and with Sugar
Daniel Mohl introduces CoffeeScript: what it is, what’s good for, how is different from other similar languages, what makes it more readable than JavaScript, some minuses, and code samples.
REST, And Now for Something Completely Different
Mike Amundsen offers a deeper explanation of REST, going beyond URIs, HTTP or web pages to the architectural style REST provides and the 6 constraints imposed by REST.
Agile Planning
Amir Barylko introduces Agile principles, techniques, and practices that are meant to smooth the path to successful projects.
Introduction to Windows Azure Service Bus
Joe Feser discusses how to enhance a legacy application into a disconnected hybrid app using Pub/Sub capabilities of the Windows Azure Service Bus.
Introduction to Context Specification – Behavior-Driven Development
Philip Japikse discusses and demoes doing BDD with Context Specifications, then using MSpec to transform those specification into TDD code.
Object Oriented JavaScript
Sara Chipps discusses using OOP with JavaScript, and polymorphism, encapsulation, inheritance, constructors, and helper functions with JQuery.
More Than Just A Commodity
Joe Kuemerle introduces the developer to the business side of development starting from the premise that it is not enough to be technologically savvy to be successful in a software organization.
SOLID Software and Design Patterns for Mere Mortals
Phil Japikse explains SOLID software principles - Single Responsibility, Open/Closed, Liskov Substitution, Interface Segregation, Dependency Inversion- and how to apply them using design patterns.
Infinitely Extensible
Alex Papadimoulis discusses avoiding over-engineering a program, presenting extensibility types used, extensibility design patterns, when to use them, and what happens when they are incorrectly used.
Clojure: The Art of Abstraction
Alex Miller presents some of the abstractions that make Clojure a great language: Collections, Sequence and Higher Order Functions, Multimethods, Protocols, Atoms, Macros, and others.