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InfoQ Homepage Code Quality Content on InfoQ

  • Coverity releases new tool for Code Governance

    The privately owned US company Coverity claims that its newly released and browser-based software tool Coverity Integrity Control supports development organizations to set standard policies for code quality and security, and then manage, monitor and report on these policies as code is tested.

  • Sonar 2.4: Architecture Constraint Rules and Maven 3 Support

    The latest version of open source code quality management tool Sonar supports architecture constraint rules and custom dashboards. SonarSource team recently released Sonar 2.4 version which also includes Maven 3 support and an update center to install and upgrade Sonar plugins.

  • .NET and Azure Samples Showcase .NET Technologies Used in a Layered Architecture

    Serena Yeoh, a Microsoft consultant and a contributor to Microsoft pattern&practices Application Architecture Guide, has created a Layered Architecture Sample for .NET 4.0 which was later ported to Azure, showcasing various .NET technologies (WPF, WCF, WF, ASP.NET, ADO.NET EF) used in an architecture based on the Layered Architecture design pattern.

  • Metrics for Ruby With Caliper

    Caliper calculates various metrics – for example code duplication and complexity – for your Ruby code; all you need is a public Git repository.

  • Bill Pugh Releases FindBugs 1.3.9

    Bill Pugh has released FindBugs 1.3.9, the latest update to the popular Java static analysis tool. The latest release adds 12 new bug detectors and continues to work on improving the effectiveness of FindBugs as a tool for developers working with large code bases, a trend which will continue with the 2.0 release expected later this year.