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Introduction to SQL Server Containers
Containers are just around the corner for the Windows community, and this article takes a closer look at using SQL Server containers. The author discusses the value, use cases, and means for taking advantage of SQL Server containers today.
Getting Started with ASP.Net Performance Monitoring and Optimization
“This web page is slow” is a common and regular complaint about web sites, especially since web applications started replacing desktop applications. While the web brings some desirable characteristics such as global delivery, it also brings its share of challenges at the performance level.
Creating RESTful Services with T4 Based on Model and Interfaces
When generating RESTful services with WebAPI, a lot of boilerplate code has to be implemented. Amel Musić demonstrates how T4 and EnvDTE can be used to create a flexible code generator that dramatically reduces the amount of time and effort this takes.
Starcounter vs. ORM and DDD
The so-called “object-relation impedance mismatch” has long been discussed in engineering circles. Most attempts at a solution rely try to mask the issue by pulling logic into the application tier. Kostiantyn Cherniavskyi looks at these issues and shows how many of them can be solved with hybrid databases such as Starcounter.
F# in Numbers: A Look at the Annual F# Survey Results
In April, for the second time, fsharpWorks organized the F# community survey. Over 600 developers completed the survey in 2016 (which is 15% more than in 2015). The survey provides an insight into the brains of the F# community. In this article, I'll summarize some of the results.
Virtual Panel: Current State of NoSQL Databases
NoSQL databases have been around for several years now and have become a choice of data storage for managing semi-structured and unstructured data. These databases offer lot of advantages in terms of linear scalability and better performance for both data writes and reads. InfoQ spoke with four panelists to get different perspectives on the current state of NoSQL databases.
The InfoQ Podcast: Shuman Ghosemajumder on Security and Cyber-Crime
In this week's podcast, professor Barry Burd talks to Shuman Ghosemajumder VP of product management at Shape Security on Security and Cyber-Crime at QCon New York 2016.
HTTP-RPC: A Lightweight Cross-Platform REST Framework
HTTP-RPC is an open-source framework allowing developers to create and access cross-platform polyglot RESTful web services using a convenient, RPC-like metaphor, while preserving fundamental REST principles such as statelessness and uniform resource access.
Virtual Panel: The Current State of Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS)
Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) is becoming a mainstream way of connecting mobile, SaaS, IoT, and Big Data systems. This Virtual Panel focuses on some of the current trends in iPaaS and where this model of delivering integration services is headed. InfoQ has reached out to thought leaders from MuleSoft, SnapLogic and Microsoft to participate in this dialogue.
Article Series: Cloud and "Lock-in"
With the fast-pace of cloud changes (new services, providers entering and exiting), cloud lock-in remains a popular refrain. But what does it mean, and how can you ensure you're maximizing your cloud investment while keeping portability in mind?
Multi-Cloud Is a Safety Belt for the Speed Freaks
Cloud bursting! On-premises! Hybrid cloud! Off-premises! Multi-cloud! These are phrases author Michael Coté heard over the past 10 years when covering cloud as an analyst, strategist, and now evangelist. Each of them makes logical sense, especially on a big whiteboard with boxes and arrows going to and fro. In recent times, it’s the last - multi-cloud - that he's seen in actual practice the most.
Wiring Microservices with Spring Cloud
As we move towards microservice-based architectures, we're faced with an important decision: how do we wire our services together? Components in a monolithic system communicate through a simple method call, but components in a microservice system likely communicate over the network through REST, web services or some RPC-like mechanism.