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Monzo Outage Post Mortem
Monzo, the digital, mobile-only bank based in the UK, recently suffered outages in their current account payments and prepaid debit cards systems. Oliver Beattie, Monzo’s head of engineering, took on Monzo’s community forum to provide a post mortem of the outage. In this article, we describe their architecture, the root cause of the outage and the lessons learned from it.
Microsoft Releases Preview of Azure Container Service (AKS), a New Managed Kubernetes Service
Microsoft has released a preview version of a new managed Kubernetes service, “Azure Container Service (AKS)”, which is a separate product from the existing ACS that offers support for multiple orchestrators Kubernetes, Mesos DC/OS and Docker Swarm.
CNCF Adds Security, Service Mesh and Tracing Projects: Docker Notary, Lyft Envoy and Uber Jaeger
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) has announced the addition of four new hosted projects over the past month: Docker’s Notary, The Update Framework (TUF), Lyft’s Envoy, and Uber’s Jaeger.
DockerCon Europe 2017: Docker EE and CE to Include Kubernetes Integration
At DockerCon Europe 2017 it was announced that Docker will be integrating Kubernetes into the Docker Platform and Moby Project. The next version (with a beta scheduled before the end of 2017) will allow Docker EE customers to run Swarm and Kubernetes workloads on the same cluster. There will be also be an “optional” Kubernetes integration into Docker for Mac / Windows as part of the beta program.
Building and Testing Kubernetes Applications Locally Using Telepresence
Developing microservices that will be deployed on a container scheduling platform presents new challenges for engineers, particularly in regards to building and testing services locally that require several dependencies. This news item examines the Telepresence tool, where developers work on their service locally but transparently integrate with other dependent services running in a remote cluster
Mesosphere Launches Kubernetes on DC/OS 1.10
Mesosphere, the commercial implementation of Apache Mesos, announced that they are offering beta support for Kubernetes on top of their cluster management platform.
Microsoft Announces General Availability of Azure App Service on Linux and Web App for Containers
Microsoft recently announced the availability of Azure App Service running on Linux and support for Web App for Containers. When provisioning web apps, developers now have the ability to choose an underlying Operating System of Windows or Linux. They also have the ability to ingest containerized applications from popular container repositories.
Oracle Joins CNCF, and Releases Kubernetes on Oracle Linux and Terraform Kubernetes Cloud Installer
At the Open Source Summit, held in Los Angeles, USA, it was announced that Oracle has joined the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) as a Platinum member. Oracle has also released “Kubernetes on Oracle Linux” and an open source HashiCorp Terraform Kubernetes Installer for the Oracle Bare Metal Cloud Infrastructure.
AWS Adds Scale-Friendly Network Load Balancer to its Arsenal
AWS expanded the Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) service with a new product catered to high-performing applications. The Network Load Balancer is a Layer 4 TCP component designed to handle bursts of traffic and millions of requests per second.
NGINX Releases Microservices Platform, OpenShift Ingress Controller, and Service Mesh Preview
NGINX Inc has released the NGINX Application Platform which aims to be a “one stop shop” for microservice developers; a Kubernetes Ingress Controller solution for load balancing on the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform; and an implementation of NGINX as a service proxy for the Istio service mesh control plane.
Migrating GitHub's Web and API to Kubernetes Running on Bare Metal
Over the last year GitHub has evolved their internal infrastructure that runs the Ruby on Rails application responsible for and to run on Kubernetes. The migration began with web and API applications running on Unicorn processes, and ended with all web and API requests being served by containers running in Kubernetes clusters deployed onto the metal cloud.
Microsoft .NET Architecture Guidance Released
Four application architecture guides are available from Microsoft's Developer Division and the Visual Studio product teams. This guidance covers four areas: Microservices, Docker, Web Applications with ASP.NET Core and Azure, and Enterprise Applications Using Xamarin Forms. Each guidance is contained in an eBook. There are two end-to-end reference applications that the guides use as examples.
Containers to Overtake VMs in Application Platform Space, Says SDxCentral Survey
One of the key findings of the 2017 Container and Cloud Orchestration Report from SDXCentral is that container adoption has steadily increased in the last two years and is set to overtake virtual machines (VMs) in the application platform space. In 2016, only 8% of respondents had deployed containers while this year, 45% are already using it.
Distributed Schedulers with Microservice Architectures
Martin Campbell, microservices scalability expert at DigitalOcean, talked about running a microservice based architecture with a distributed scheduler at MicroXchg Berlin 2017. He focused primarily on the problems encountered along the way, and the tradeoffs between offerings like Kubernetes, Nomad, and Mesos.
Docker Enterprise Edition 17.06 Released with Support for Windows Server 2016 and IBM Z Mainframe
Docker has released Docker Enterprise Edition 17.06, with new support for Windows Server 2016 and IBM Z mainframe. With the inclusion of support for these new platforms, the Docker Blog states that Docker EE now delivers a consistent experience across Linux, Windows, and Linux-on-mainframe applications,.