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New in Motorola RhoMobile 5.0: Licensing Model, Cloud Services and KitKat Support
Motorola RhoMobile 5.0 comes with a new licensing model, support for the latest iOS and Android versions, a set of new or improved cloud services – Build, Synchronization, Push Notification –, Zebra Printing support, and others.
F# Native App Development on iOS and Android
F# has supported both iOS and Android native programming through Xamarin since at least Xamarin 4.8 and can be efficiently used to create native apps on both platforms. Let's give a look at some experience reports.
Google Web Fundamentals and Web Starter Kit
Google has published a number of guidelines and boilerplate code for cross-platform responsive website design.
PhoneGap 3.5.0 No Longer Supports iOS 5 and Won’t Support WP 7
Cordova/PhoneGap 3.5.0 no longer support iOS 5, 3.6.0+ will not support WP 7, and future updates will come through npm.
Xamarin.Forms Enables Truly Native Cross-platform UIs
Up until now one could write with Xamarin cross-platform native mobile applications that shared 80% of the code on average with the rest of 20% representing UI code that had to be written separately for each platform. The latest release, Xamarin 3.0, introduces Xamarin.Forms, a MVVM library for writing a single UI code in C# being executed natively on iOS, Android or Windows Phone.
C++ Cross-Platform iOS and Android Development: The Dropbox Lesson
Dropbox developers have recently given some talks describing how they support both iOS and Android in their apps without having to recode everything on each platform. Let's review the reasons that led to their approach, the benefits it brings, and some key points learned through the process.
Visual Studio Now Supports Hybrid Cross-platform Mobile Development via Cordova
Microsoft has added native support for hybrid cross-platform mobile applications in Visual Studio 2013 Update 2.
Jolt Awards 2014: Mobile and Coding Tools
Dr. Dobbs has awarded the Jolt Award for Mobile and Coding Tools for 2014.
Cordova 3.4 Embraces Firefox OS
Taking a detour from their original pure-HTML5 approach to mobile development, Mozilla has been working on adding support for Firefox OS to Cordova, which has happened with the latest Cordova 3.4.0.
Intel Pushes Mobile Cross Platform Development with its HTML5 XDK
In December 2013, Intel announced its plans to push its latest Intel XDK NEW to the mainstream by making it the official Intel XDK version and inviting all developers to migrate from the previous one by the end of February 2014. Let's look at what Intel XDK is and what is new in its latest release.
AnyPresence Soups-up Enterprise MBaaS Platform:Part 2 of 2
There is so much to learn about the latest Mobile Backend as a Service provider AnyPresence's 5.0 platform geared for the enterprise that this second post was needed. Co-founder Rich Mendis provides further insight for InfoQ readers…
Evaluating Porting Efforts with Xamarin Mobility Scanner
Xamarin has announced the availability of Xamarin Mobility Scanner, a free online service for scanning .NET libraries in order to evaluate the effort needed to port them to Android, iOS, Windows Phone and Windows Store.
Moscrif – Cross Platform Mobile Development with JavaScript
Moscrif is a cross-platform mobile development environment built on a custom virtual machine. Although this platform provides access to native device functionality, the programming language is a customized version of JavaScript.
Mono 3.0 Adds Async, Improves SGen GC and More
Miguel De Icaza has announced the release of Mono 3.0, which comes with several improvements such as Async, better SGen GC, improved Eval API and .NET 4.5 compatibility.