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.NET News Roundup - Week of March 29th, 2021
The last week of March was pretty intense in the .NET community, with the release of Project Reunion 0.5, Dapr 1.1, and more. InfoQ examined these and a number of smaller stories in the .NET ecosystem from the week of March 29th, 2021.
Experiences from Remote Mob Programming: Q&A with Sal Freudenberg
At Cucumber, mob programming is done remotely by using a cycle in which the driver pulls down the latest code and then shares their screen, the team mobs for 10 minutes or so and commits the code. Next, the driver’s role rotates. “Remote mobbing works really well for me”, says Sal Freudenberg, “because it lets me tailor my working environment and work in a spot where I feel comfortable.”
XebiaLabs TestView Integrates Multiple Testing Tools
XebiaLabs TestView is a test management and analytics tool, integrating the execution, data analysis and visualization of multiple functional and unit testing tools.
Dan North Asks for Real World BDD Examples
During a panel discussion about Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD) at this year’s CukeUp 2015 conference Dan North came up with an idea of a community-curated resource for everyone interested in BDD with examples, adaptions, scenarios as well as experience reports and common practises and links to other external resources.
BDD Tool Cucumber is Not a Testing Tool
Cucumber was created as a way to overcome ambiguous requirements and misunderstandings, targeting both non-technical and technical members of a project team, but if you think Cucumber is a testing tool you are wrong, Aslak Hellesøy, who created Cucumber in 2008, recently stated. Julien Biezemans and Liz Keogh recently expressed similar opinions.
Cucumber.js for BDD in JavaScript: An Interview with Julien Biezemans
Julien Biezemans is a Cucumber core team member and the author of Cucumber.js. Cucumber.js is a native JavaScript implementation of Cucumber, and is a strict port that can run on any JavaScript environment. Running on Node.js as well as within any browsers, Cucumber.js is virtually serviceable against everything producing JavaScript and HTML (Node.js, Ruby on Rails, PHP, .NET, etc)
Cucumber Pro for the Enterprise
Cucumber Pro, an online collaboration and reporting platform on top of the popular BDD tool Cucumber, has been unveiled by the core maintainers of Cucumber. The new tool will target enterprises that require official tool support.
Agile 2012 Session: Agile Alliance Functional Testing Tools Workshop
The Agile Alliance Functional Testing Tools (AA-FTT) workshop was held on the day before the Agile 2012 conference in Dallas, Texas. Run as an open space, the session was open to anyone interested in talking about the future of functional testing tools and beyond.
Interview With Aslak Hellesøy on Cucumber For .NET
InfoQ has interviewed Aslak Hellesøy, the creator of Cucumber on its recent support for .NET. Cucumber is an acceptance testing tool for Behaviour Driven Development (BDD). At Agile2009, InfoQ’s Mark Levison reported from the Functional Test Tools Workshop that Matt Wynne and Richard Lawrence started to work on a .NET solution for Cucumber, later to be named Cuke4Nuke.