InfoQ Homepage Deep Learning Content on InfoQ
On a Deep Journey towards Five Nines
Aashish Sheshadri discusses how PayPal applies Seq2Seq networks to forecasting CPU and memory metrics at scale.
Document Digitization: Rethinking OCR with Machine Learning
Nischal Harohalli Padmanabha outlines the problems faced building DL networks for document process at omni:us, limitations, the evolution of team structures, engineering practices, and other topics.
Comparing Machine Learning Strategies Using Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow
Oliver Zeigermann looks at different ML strategies -KNN, Decision Trees, Support Vector Machines, and Neural Networks- and visualizes how they make predictions by plotting their decision boundaries.
Papers in Production Lightning Talks
Papers: Towards a Solution to the Red Wedding Problem, A Density-Based Algorithm for Discovering Clusters in Large Spatial Databases with Noise, and A Machine Learning Approach to Databases Indexes.
Debuggable Deep Learning
Mantas Matelis and Avesh Singh explain how they debugged DeepHeart, a DNN that detects cardiovascular disease from heart rate data.
Scaling Deep Learning to Petaflops and beyond!
Prabhat explores 2D and 3D convolutional architectures for solving pattern classification, regression and segmentation problems in high-energy physics, cosmology and climate science.
Ludwig: A Code-Free Deep Learning Toolbox
Piero Molino introduces Ludwig, a deep learning toolbox that allows to train models and to use them for prediction without the need to write code.
Deep Learning on Microcontrollers
Pete Warden discusses why Deep Learning is a great fit for tiny, cheap devices, what can be built with it, and how to get started.
Understanding Deep Learning
Jessica Yung talks about the foundational concepts about neural networks and highlights key things to pay attention to: learning rates, how to initialize a network, and more.
Jupyter Notebooks: Interactive Visualization Approaches
Chakri Cherukuri talks about how to understand and visualize machine learning models using interactive widgets and introduces the widget libraries.
Machines Can Learn - a Practical Take on Machine Intelligence Using Spring Cloud Data Flow and TensorFlow
Christian Tzolov showcases how building a complex use-case, such as real-time image recognition or object detection, can be simplified with the help of the Spring Ecosystem and TensorFlow.
AI for Software Testing with Deep Learning: Is It Possible?
Emerson Bertolo discusses lessons learned when using pre-trained Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) models, Image Detection APIs and CNN's built from scratch for this purpose.