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Practical Eff Monad for Microservices
Eric Torreborre presents using the Eff monad at Zalando to structure a REST microservice, introducing an approach for dependency injection using the Reader monad (classic) and tree rewriting.
Test-Driven JavaScript with Jasmine
Brad Urani presents the principles of writing unit tests using Jasmine, discussing spies, DI and mocking as strategies for isolating functionality for both synchronous and asynchronous JavaScript.
JavaEE 7 In Practice: Blueprints Reborn
Ed Burns demos using WebSockets, JSON-P, JavaAPI for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS), JSF, Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI), Bean Validation, Expression Language in a CargoTracker application.
Clojure in the Large
Stuart Sierra discusses various Clojure features: protocols, records, DI, managing startup/shutdown of components, dynamic binding, interactive development workflow, testing and mocking.
The No-framework Scala Dependency Injection Framework
Adam Warski shows how to replace features of DI containers with plain Scala code using MacWire, and adding interceptors using macros.
Scalaz 'For the Rest of Us'
Adam Rosien introduces scalaz, how to use it to make code simpler and type safer, how it compensates for Scala issues, and how it encapsulates DI and data validation.
How Frameworks Can Kill Your Projects and Patterns to Prevent Getting Killed
Sander Hoogendoorn shares patterns to avoid framework issues by using layered architectures, bridge patterns, managers-providers, DI, descriptors and layer super-types, including code samples.
Dagger: A Fast Dependency Injector for Android and Java
Jesse Wilson introduces Dagger, a dependency injection framework for Java, covering the motivation behind its creation, examples on how to use it and some of the internal details.
Applying IoC in JavaScript
Brian Cavalier and John Hann discuss applying concepts like modules, DI, IoC to JavaScript.
Engineering Elegance: The Secrets of Square's Stack
Bob Lee presents persistence queues, the technology stack, the publish-subscribe pattern and dependency injection as used by
SOLID Software and Design Patterns for Mere Mortals
Phil Japikse explains SOLID software principles - Single Responsibility, Open/Closed, Liskov Substitution, Interface Segregation, Dependency Inversion- and how to apply them using design patterns.