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Patterns In The Context of SOA Business Services
In this article Michael Poulin explores the different contexts in which SOA patterns are applied; how the products from different vendors influence these patterns and its effect on the responsibilities of business and IT. One such product is the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB); Michael evaluates a few patterns related the ESB products and their application under different contexts.
Skills for Scrum Agile Teams
The skills required to be hyper-productive in agile projects are different from those required by a traditional one. This article identifies behavioral and technical skills required for a team to have that edge. Anyone who acquires these "delta" traits should be equipped with the right set of behavioral and technical skills, which enable them to work effectively in an agile project.
Success Factors for Systematic Reuse
Systematic reuse requires the interplay of people, process, and technology decisions executed within the context of real world constraints. Are there success factors that will make a difference to reuse? This article offers five success factors that will help capture domain variations, ease integration, delve deeper into design context, work effectively as a team, and manage domain complexity.
Fred Brooks on The Design of Design: Interview and Excerpt
A review of Frederick P. Brooks' latest book, The Design of Design. Few individuals have had as much influence on the 'practice' of software development and this book of loosely coupled essays on the essence of design, design process, and the development and nurturing of great designers extends and enhances previous contributions to the field. The review is enhanced with an interview and excerpt.
10 SOA Commandments
Using Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) it is possible to lower the costs of information systems. Paradigms which are appropriate to database era are still being applied to SOA, resulting in counterproductive, and sometimes even dangerous designs. The author explores ways to achieve the potential of SOA initiatives by adhering to ten basic commandments.
Code Contracts in C#
This article discusses the concepts and ideas of Code Contracts and the way they are handled in C#. Unless you happen to have used a language supporting Design by Contract before, you may sometimes find yourself unsure of how to proceed with Code Contracts. If you're using it in conjunction with Test Driven Development, what should you write first - the contract or the implementation?
A Discussion with Allard Buijze on CQRS with the Axon framework
The Axon framework is a Java implementation of the Command and Query Responsibility Segregation. InfoQ talked with its creator, Allard Buijze, to find out more.
Authorizing Process Access and Execution with JBoss jBPM
Centralized BPM deployments can greatly benefit from the ability to control access to process definitions and instances ensuring that users can use and monitor only a set of processes that they are authorized for. In this article Boris Lublinsky shows how to extend JBoss jBPM to define and support process access authorization.
A Comparison of Spring MVC and JAX-RS
SpringSource's Rossen Stoyanchev introduces the Spring MVC REST features available in Spring 3 and relates them to JAX-RS, highlighting the similarities and differences between the two programming models.
Book Excerpt and Interview: Dynamic SOA and BPM: Best Practices for Business Process Management and SOA Agility
Boris Lublinsky interviews Marc Fiammante as part of a review of Marc' new book, Dynamic SOA and BPM: Best Practices for Business Process Management and SOA Agility. The book is based on many years of practical experience obtained during dozens of enterprise SOA implementations and covers major steps of such implementations
Strategic Domain Driven Design with Context Mapping
Many approaches to object oriented modeling tend not to scale well when the applications grow in size and complexity. Context Mapping technique can be used to manage the complexity in large software development projects. In this article, author Alberto Brandolini discusses the many sides of bounded contexts and how to use them to build a context map to support key decisions in a software project.
Classloader Acrobatics: Code Generation with OSGi
Porting great infrastructure to OSGi often means solving complex classloading problems. This article is dedicated to the frameworks that face the hardest issues in this area: those that do dynamic code generation. Incidentally these are also the coolest frameworks: AOP wrappers, ORM mappers, and service proxy generators are just a few examples.