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Refactor or Rewrite?
The goal of refactoring and rewriting is to improve the sanity of the system by improving the code readability, structure and clarity. A clean code would be easier to maintain and enhance. However, on many occasions Agile teams have a tough time deciding between the two.
SOA as an Ecosystem
Today’s enterprise is always a part of a larger ecosystem including its buyers and suppliers. In his new post, Richard Veryard describes how this ecosystem should be reflected in a SOA design.
Where has the innovation gone?
Some commentators are questioning the level of innovation happening in the Agile space. Does iterative and incremental development lead us away from innovation towards reusing old solutions, building on what we already know rather than creating truly "out of the box" solutions. Adding an R&D stream is suggested as a way to bring innovation into Agile projects.
SOA Grammar – Are Services Verbs or Nouns?
In his new post, Jason Bloomberg introduces two types of services – Entities and Tasks, and explains the role each type of services plays in building SOA systems.
Google Sitebricks Web Framework - Q&A with Dhanji Prasanna
Sitebricks is a new web application development framework from Google that is built on top of Google Guice, and focuses on early error detection, low-footprint code, and fast development. InfoQ had a Q&A with the creator and Google Wave Core Engineer Dhanji Prasanna.
Enabling the Last Responsible Moment in Deployment
An interesting question can be asked during a design decision: "Does this approach create a commitment" rather than "is this the right design?". A conversation on the KanbanDev Yahoo! group explores this question, different approaches to implement an effective answer, and the benefits to be reaped by this approach.
Dependency Injection harmonized for Java EE 6
Earlier this year, Google and SpringSource announced that they were co-operating on a standard set of annotations to be used for dependency injection which were proposed via JSR-330. These annotations didn't line up with those proposed for JSR-299, which generated controversy that has now been resolved, with JSR-299 adopting the JSR-330 annotations and both moving forward to be part of Java EE 6.
Patterns for Moving to the Cloud
A new Tech Ed presentation by Simon Guest defines a set of patterns for moving applications to the cloud and discusses implementation of these patterns using Windows Azure
Is CRUD Bad for REST?
In his new post, Arnon Rotem-Gal-Oz explains that REST is more than just a set of standards and APIs, and it requires following REST architectural principles for reaping its complete benefits.
Guidelines for Better Unit Tests
Jimmy Bogard, Charlie Poole, Lior Friedman, Charlie Poole and others give their guidelines for more readable and useful unit tests.
The .NET Reactive Framework (Rx) Enables LINQ over Events
Erik Meijer and Wes Dyer have created the .NET Reactive Framework (Rx), the mathematical dual of LINQ to Objects, allowing programmers to use LINQ over events. Erik and Brian Beckman demonstrate that IObservable is a continuation monad.
Rails 2.3.3 Released and the State of Rails 3.0 and Merb
Rails 2.3.3 is now available. Among the usual bug fixes, it adds a few new features like ActiveRecord touch functionality and some JSON related API changes. Also: a look at what's up with Rails 3 and Merb 1.1.
Should We Rely on Language Constraints or Responsibility?
Bruce Eckel, Michael Feathers, Niclas Nilsson, Keith Braithwaite, and others on the question: should languages be fully flexible, allowing the developers to tweak them as they like, and trusting they will be responsible in their work, or should there be clear constraints set in the language from its design phase to avoid mistakes that create bad code, hard to maintain or to read?
How Relevant Is Contract First Development Using Angle Brackets?
Christian Weyer of Thinktecture, announced the release of a Visual Studio Add-in that enables contract first development of web services using WCF.
Rescuing Your Ruby on Rails Projects
Ruby on Rails has been around for about 5 years and in those years developers have created a lot of applications. Many of those applications were created while learning Ruby and Ruby on Rails and may not have used the best practices but yet made it into production web sites. These web applications can be problematical but a new book focused on the solution is available.