InfoQ Homepage Design Content on InfoQ
From How to Design to What to Design
Jean Louis Frechin discusses NeoObjects, a set of services, experiences, forms and practices which are meant to help evolve design and widen its scope of intervention.
What Developers Need To Know About Visual Design and UX
Ben Hall explores the five key topics around design that can make or break an application and website: Layout and the golden ratio, Typography, Imaginary, Colors and User Feedback.
Creative/designer/developer Relationships in a Device Agnostic Landscape
John Skinner debates the web designer-developer roles in today’s agile technology environment, arguing that it is time to redefine these roles.
Diagrams, Xtext and UX
Jan Koehnlein shows how to integrate Xtext and FXDiagram into an Eclipse-based IDE with a demo including graphics with smooth transitions, diagram-text navigation, animated undo/redo, and others.
Cheats & Liars: The Martial Art of Protocol Design
Pieter Hintjens presents strategies and tactics - lifecycles, versioning, modeling, code generation, implementations, community building- for creating successful protocols that stand the test of time.
Physical Computing, or How Software Meets Christmas Trees
Tom Igoe overviews some of the tools of physical computing and discusses how and by whom they’re being used to create new connected devices.
Arduino Designer: the Making of!
Melanie Bats presents how the Arduino Designer was created, how to use Sirius to create graphical editors and how to simplify the Eclipse UI for an RCP application dedicated to kids.
Refactoring to Functional
Hadi Hariri takes a look at code usually written when developing business applications and how to refactor this using functional paradigms, and more importantly, see if these provides any value.
Functional Programming Design Patterns
Scott Wlaschin overviews and demonstrates a number of design patterns for functional programming.
Redefine - Redesign
Erwin Bauer proposes designers to challenge the status quo, identifying and solving potential problems, promoting change by redefining themselves.
Modern Leadership Through Environment Design
Matt Barcomb discusses how leaders should evolve from "managing resources" to "designing systems", balancing authority with accountability and the issue of compensation plans based on performance.
Design Goals of the Smallest Federated Wiki
Ward Cunningham discusses the designs goals of a federated wiki.