InfoQ Homepage Design Content on InfoQ
Strategic Design: Embrace Imperfection!
Eric Evans shares approaches that have helped him with issues in architecture, with a focus on establishing boundaries between software with different conceptual approaches and discipline levels.
Software Psychology: The Art of Listening to Code
Bjorn Freeman-Benson suggests “listening” to the code, refactoring it based on various factors such as the defect rate or underperforming services, providing strategies and tools.
Test-Driven JavaScript with Jasmine
Brad Urani presents the principles of writing unit tests using Jasmine, discussing spies, DI and mocking as strategies for isolating functionality for both synchronous and asynchronous JavaScript.
What's the Best Way to Improve Software Architectures?
A lively panel discussion with Eric Evans, Duncan DeVore, and Leo Gorodinski, hosted by Mike Feathers, on software architecture improvement, DDD, the ins and outs of microservices and much more.
An Unseen Interface
Halle Winkler overviews the state of speech technology, examining the opportunities in usability and new forms of usage that become available with speech interfaces in mobile apps.
Leveraging Big Data for Payment Risk Management
John Canfield discusses the changing payment ecosystem, innovations in mining and organizing unstructured data from many sources, and approaches to deciding for loss minimization and user experience.
Works in Progress
Jaimee Newberry discusses finding ways to enable and inspire human development and achievement starting from experience-design principles with parallels in product iteration leading to life iteration.
JavaEE 7 In Practice: Blueprints Reborn
Ed Burns demos using WebSockets, JSON-P, JavaAPI for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS), JSF, Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI), Bean Validation, Expression Language in a CargoTracker application.
Find the Right Abstraction Level for Your Tests
Gerard Meszaros advises on using the right abstraction level and automation tools when creating unit or system-level tests.
Hello Ansible: A Story about Infrastructure Agility
Baraa Basata introduces Ansible, comparing it with Chef and Capistrano and exploring automation principles: disposable servers, package management, and applying design principles to infrastructure.
Building an Enterprise PaaS
Dave McCrory discusses what it takes to build an Enterprise Platform as a Service, covering data services, design principles, CI, monitoring, coding standards, dependencies, security, and deployment.
Offline First
Caolan McMahon covers the current state of offline support on the web, why offline is important, and discusses the design challenges posed by developing a first-class offline experience.