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How JavaScript Objects are Implemented
Eddy Bruel details how objects are implemented internally in SpiderMonkey as shape trees and slot vectors to minimize the memory footprint and obtain better JIT optimization with inline caching.
Fault Tolerance Made Easy
Uwe Friedrichsen discusses implementing resilient software design patterns (code included) and improving those patterns to achieve robustness and becoming a resilient software developer.
The No-framework Scala Dependency Injection Framework
Adam Warski shows how to replace features of DI containers with plain Scala code using MacWire, and adding interceptors using macros.
Scalaz 'For the Rest of Us'
Adam Rosien introduces scalaz, how to use it to make code simpler and type safer, how it compensates for Scala issues, and how it encapsulates DI and data validation.
One Small Step for Consumers, One Giant Lead for Enterprise
In this solutions track talk, sponsored by AppDynamics, Tom Levey discusses how to monitor UX, identify bottlenecks, and measure the revenue impact by turning on the lights inside a mobile app.
Real World Akka Recipes
Jamie Allen describes three patterns using Akka actors: handling a lack of guaranteed delivery, distributing tasks to worker actors and implementing distributed workers in an Akka cluster.
Building SOLID Foundations
Nat Pryce, Steve Freeman advise on design principles useful to create code structures with objects that fit together and communicate, and where the capabilities and the information flow are explicit.
Design Patterns for Large-Scale Real-Time Learning
Sean Owen provides examples of operational analytics projects, presenting a reference architecture and algorithm design choices for a successful implementation based on his experience Oryx/Cloudera.
How Frameworks Can Kill Your Projects and Patterns to Prevent Getting Killed
Sander Hoogendoorn shares patterns to avoid framework issues by using layered architectures, bridge patterns, managers-providers, DI, descriptors and layer super-types, including code samples.
Agile UX: Is Agile from Mars and UX from Venus?
Carl Myhill, Steve Hayes highlight the key elements that a UX Design process and an Agile process have in common, providing practical tips on how to make them work together.
Building a Language for Spreadsheet Refactoring
Felienne Hermans introduces BumbleBee, a refactoring and metaprogramming spreadsheets tool based on a DSL that can perform transformations against spreadsheet formulas.