InfoQ Homepage Design Content on InfoQ
Recovering the Ability to Design when Surrounded by Messy Legacy Systems
Eric Evans shares 4 strategies for dealing with messy legacy systems: Bubble Context, ACL Synchronization, Exposing Legacy Assets, and Domain Events Channel.
Better Product Definition with Lean UX and Design Thinking
Jeff Gothelf explains how to create better product definitions with Design Thinking and Lean UX.
Agile and UX: How to Do Both and Not Lose Your Mind
Darci Dutcher provides practical advice for introducing UX to agile teams.
Elm: Making the Web Functional
Evan Czaplicki introduces Elm, a functional reacting programming language meant to replace HTML/CSS/JavaScript, optimized for creating web GUIs, supporting complex user input and avoiding callbacks.
Android App Anatomy
Eric Burke discusses: why building visual interfaces, design guidelines for Android apps, and an example.
Engineering Elegance: The Secrets of Square's Stack
Bob Lee presents persistence queues, the technology stack, the publish-subscribe pattern and dependency injection as used by
Web API Evolution
Rob Daigneau discusses some of the challenges met when creating and maintaining web APIs, impediments and design patterns for web API evolution.
Expressing Abstraction - Abstracting Expression
Ola Bini attempts to answer a few questions: Why are new languages still being created, Is it worth choosing languages strategically, and Does language actually matter?
Mobile Last - Considering the Mobile Experience when It's too Late for 'Mobile First'
Roger Attrill discusses various UX features to be considered when transitioning from desktop to mobile, including user types, constraints, opportunities, content organization, layout and navigation.
A DSL for Scripting Refactoring in Erlang
Simon Thompson introduces Wrangler, a refactoring tool written in Erlang for Erlang code and embeddable in common IDEs, such as Emacs and Eclipse.
Scalable Internet Architectures
Theo Schlossnagle presents several architectural design principles useful for building scalable systems starting from the networking up to the application layer.
High Performance Mobile
Steve Souders discusses the importance of mobile performance, providing advice on creating more responsive mobile apps, and outlining the latest developments in analyzing mobile performance.