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Meeting the Challenge of Simplicity
This session addresses the abstract notion of 'simplicity', why it is critical in modern UI design, and answers questions, like "Why do design processes and good intentions undermine simplicity?"
A Tale of 2 Systems
In this video recorded during QCon London 2008, Pete Goodliffe presents two Linux-based audio products with a complete different outcome, software design making the difference.
Investment Banking: Technology Space and Integration Issues
John Davies discusses investment banking technology, integration, complex data models, distributed architectures and SWIFT MT to MX migration.
Frameworks and DDD: Keeping the Model Clean
Tim McCarthy talks about preserving the purity of the domain model while using frameworks. The presentation is targeted at developers and demoes a .NET SharePoint real application.
Convergence: Model-Based Software, Systems And Control Engineering
Janos Sztipanovits attempts to tackle the complexity of large scale systems integration by approaching software, systems and control engineering convergence through model-based design.
Agile Methods and User Centered Design
Dave Robertson and John Johnston explain what the Agile and User Centered Design’s (UCD) common denominators are, common values being the most important one in their opinion.
REST: A Pragmatic Introduction to the Web's Architecture
In this presentation, recorded at QCon London, Stefan Tilkov introduces the key principles of REST, explaining the differences to other distributed systems architectures and highlighting its benefits.
What Drives Design?
Rebecca Wirfs-Brock reviews various forms of driven development in order to understand the principles and values of several design practices used today.
Second Life’s Architecture
Ian Wilkes describes the architecture used by the popular game named Second Life at its debut and how it evolved over years as users and features have been added.
Establishing Your Organization's Enterprise Security API
In this talk, Jeff discuss the process of establishing a security API for your enterprise, focusing on the most critical methods needed by web application and web service developers.
The Lego Hypothesis
For decades, software engineering has "dreamed an impossible dream", to build software as easily as building Lego houses. In this talk, James Noble imagines a world where the dream has been realized.
Architectures of extraordinarily large, self-sustaining systems
Can a system that is so large it cannot be comprehended be "designed" in a conventional sense? The foundations of computing are about to change. In this talk, Richard P. Gabriel explores why and how.