InfoQ Homepage Design Content on InfoQ
REST Considered Harmful
Ross Garrett explores how design decisions may be leading to poor UX, discussing the principles of reactive applications and how streaming APIs can deliver significant benefits over RESTful APIs.
Server-Less Design Patterns for the Enterprise with AWS Lambda
Tim Wagner defines server-less computing, examines the key trends and innovative ideas behind the technology, and looks at design patterns for big data, event processing, and mobile using AWS Lambda.
Fault-Tolerant Sensor Nodes with Erlang/OTP and Arduino
Kenji Rikitake discusses using Erlang/OTP for IoT, covering communication protocols, design principles and overcoming hardware limitations for endpoint devices in fault-tolerant systems.
React.js Reconciliation
Jim Sproch describes how reconciliation works within React, and how to use it to enhance both performance and user experience.
DDD and Microservices: At Last, Some Boundaries!
Eric Evans introduces a few strategic design concepts and explains how they apply to development of microservices, as a tool for teams trying to grow large systems more coherently.
Collection Pipeline Design Techniques
Michael Feathers outlines strategies for creating pipelines that transform data from stage to stage without access to any other state.
Cyber-dojo: Executing Your Code for Fun and Not-for Profit!, Part 1
Jon Jagger introduces, an open source environment for practicing programming, demoing its features and discussing its history, design, underlying technology, difficulties and future.
Why Building the Right Thing Means Building the Thing Right
Liz Keogh takes a look at why experimentation underpins everything done in technology, and why it is necessary to be able to move and change the right thing.
Contracts in Clojure: Settling Types vs Tests
Jessica Kerr talks about Clojure and explores the potential of contracts as the best-yet compromise between types and tests.
Discover Key Customer Insights
Marianne Berkovich shares how to improve user interviewing skills and discover key insights that could lead one to the next big innovative “thing” users need.
Can Building Enterprise Software Actually Be Fun?
Steve Garrity explains the custom process they use at Hearsay Social for large, enterprise projects.
Great User Experience Through Dual-Track Scrum
Aurimas Adomavicius discusses metrics of great User Experience for the enterprise, the dual-track Scrum model, common pitfalls, lessons learned, and quantifying the success of a project.