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  • Decoupling Your Application From Your Dependency Injection Framework

    Dependency Injection has become a much more accepted and accessible approach in recent years, driven by many factors including increased popularity in SOA, TDD, and many other factors. With this has come increased usage of Dependency Injection frameworks. Bob Martin advises, with examples, applying a decoupling approach between your application code and your Dependency Injection framework.

  • Dependency Injection in Java EE 6 Provides Unified EJB and JSF Programming Model

    Dependency Injection is one of the main features of recently released Java EE 6 version. JSR 330 (Dependency Injection for Java) provides a standardized and extensible API for dependency injection. And JSR 299 (Contexts and Dependency Injection for the Java EE Platform 1.0), which builds on JSR 330, unifies and simplifies the EJB and JSF programming models.

  • Service Orientation Requires Data Orientation

    Any SOA implementation relies heavily on the enterprise data used by services. In a series of new posts, Ash Parikh, Informatica’s Real time products strategist, discusses the role data orientation plays in SOA and provides some practical recommendations on how to implement it.

  • Google Sitebricks Web Framework - Q&A with Dhanji Prasanna

    Sitebricks is a new web application development framework from Google that is built on top of Google Guice, and focuses on early error detection, low-footprint code, and fast development. InfoQ had a Q&A with the creator and Google Wave Core Engineer Dhanji Prasanna.

  • Dependency Injection harmonized for Java EE 6

    Earlier this year, Google and SpringSource announced that they were co-operating on a standard set of annotations to be used for dependency injection which were proposed via JSR-330. These annotations didn't line up with those proposed for JSR-299, which generated controversy that has now been resolved, with JSR-299 adopting the JSR-330 annotations and both moving forward to be part of Java EE 6.

  • Patterns for Moving to the Cloud

    A new Tech Ed presentation by Simon Guest defines a set of patterns for moving applications to the cloud and discusses implementation of these patterns using Windows Azure

  • The .NET Reactive Framework (Rx) Enables LINQ over Events

    Erik Meijer and Wes Dyer have created the .NET Reactive Framework (Rx), the mathematical dual of LINQ to Objects, allowing programmers to use LINQ over events. Erik and Brian Beckman demonstrate that IObservable is a continuation monad.

  • Presentation: Kent Beck on Responsive Design

    Purpose and intent are just as important as skill in effective software development. Skill allows you to deliver value in difficult technical circumstances. Clear purpose and positive intent allow you to deliver value in difficult social and business circumstances. Kent Beck shares his design technique which involves both intent and a small set of strategies he uses when designing.

  • Google Guice 2.0: Enhanced Capabilities, Less Boilerplate

    Guice, a lightweight Java dependency injection framework created by Google, recently released version 2.0. InfoQ spoke with Google Developer Team member Jesse Wilson to learn more about this release and what capabilities it adds to Guice.

  • ODBMS.ORG Adds Persistence Patterns Resources

    ODBMS.ORG has added persistence patterns to its collection of resources for educators, students, professionals, and open source practitioners. Three pattern collections comprise the initial offering in this area. A Best Persistence Pattern Award, is planned for any pattern submitted prior to May 29, 2009.

  • Dependency Injection for Java

    Dependency injection has been around for a while and there are quite a few frameworks which provide such capabilities for Java applications. Recently Google and SpringSource announced a partnership related to providing dependency injection for Java.

  • Interview: Joseph Yoder on Adaptive Object Model Architecture

    In this interview Joseph Yoder talks about the Adaptive Object Model (AOM) architecture, a software architecture for easily adapting to changing business requirements.

  • Data, Context and Interaction : A New Architectural Approach by James O. Coplien and Trygve Reenskau

    James O. Coplien and Trygve Reenskaug have recently introduced a new architectural approach to OOP based on Data, Context and Interaction pattern. It should allow capturing user mental model in terms of behavioral requirements, something that classic OOP fails to do. The article, that triggered many reactions and critics, provides insights into DCI using concrete examples to show its advantages.

  • Should ASP.NET Developers Learn ASP.NET MVC?

    Many discussions of whether or not developers should use or learn ASP.NET MVC has been going on in blogs, Twitter and forums the last couple of weeks. The opinions varies from not recommended to all ASP.NET developers should learn it. InfoQ have tried to summarize some of the recent activity around this topic.

  • Article: Grid Computing on the Azure Cloud Computing Platform, Part 1

    In this 3-parts series of articles, David Pallmann explains how to perform grid computations on the Azure cloud computing platform. In Part 1 he presents a design pattern for using Azure for grid computing, while in Part 2 and 3 he is going to give a concrete code example.