InfoQ Homepage Design Pattern Content on InfoQ
The Evolution of Distributed Systems on Kubernetes
Bilgin Ibryam takes us on a journey exploring Kubernetes primitives, design patterns and new workload types.
Practical Eff Monad for Microservices
Eric Torreborre presents using the Eff monad at Zalando to structure a REST microservice, introducing an approach for dependency injection using the Reader monad (classic) and tree rewriting.
Coding for High Frequency Trading
Richard Croucher talks about the application environments, design patterns and programming languages commonly deployed across Financial Services including Investment Banks and Hedge Funds.
Server-Less Design Patterns for the Enterprise with AWS Lambda
Tim Wagner defines server-less computing, examines the key trends and innovative ideas behind the technology, and looks at design patterns for big data, event processing, and mobile using AWS Lambda.
Bind to the Cloud with Falcor
Jafar Husain provides an inside look at the innovative Falcor, the open source JS data access framework that powers the Netflix UIs and the new UI design patterns it enables.
The Epic Groovy Puzzlers S02: The Revenge of the Parentheses
Viktor Gamov and Baruch Sadogursky discuss the Groovy Puzzlers.
Becoming an Advanced Groovy Developer
Tom Henricksen covers Design Patterns in Groovy, compilation configuration, mixing Java and Groovy, and calling other languages from Groovy. He shows how to call Scala and Clojure from Groovy.
Functional Programming Design Patterns
Scott Wlaschin overviews and demonstrates a number of design patterns for functional programming.
SOLID: The Next Step Is Functional
Anil Wadghule explains why applying SOLID OO design principles to their extreme leads to Functional Programming.
Not Just Layers! What Can Pipelines and Events Do for You?
Ian Cooper takes a look at two architectural patterns: pipelines for dealing with streams of data effectively, and events which provide significant advantages for loose coupling.
Test-Driven JavaScript with Jasmine
Brad Urani presents the principles of writing unit tests using Jasmine, discussing spies, DI and mocking as strategies for isolating functionality for both synchronous and asynchronous JavaScript.
JavaEE 7 In Practice: Blueprints Reborn
Ed Burns demos using WebSockets, JSON-P, JavaAPI for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS), JSF, Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI), Bean Validation, Expression Language in a CargoTracker application.