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An Architect’s World View
Colin Garlick presents a foundation of value for the practice of architecture, starting with the values that architecture is established on, showing what's important for an architecture.
Applied API Design
Jon Skeet provides practical advice on designing APIs using immutability, separation of concerns and other principles, resulting in elegant and reusable code.
Building SOLID Foundations
Nat Pryce, Steve Freeman advise on design principles useful to create code structures with objects that fit together and communicate, and where the capabilities and the information flow are explicit.
Statistical Graphics, ClojureScript, &c.
Kevin Lynagh discusses information design and why he thinks programmers suck at that, and how one can implement great data visualizations with Clojure and ClujureScript.
Seven Secrets Every Architect Should Know
Frank Buschmann’s secrets: User Tasks-based Design, Be Minimalist, Ensure Visibility of Domain Concepts, Use Uncertainty as a Driver, Design Between Things, Check Assumptions, Eat Your Own Dog Food.
Strategic Design - Responsibility Traps
Eric discusses the need for strategic thinking and how early design decisions can affect project and organization trajectories and why they involve much more than mere architecture.
Responsive Design
Kent Beck shares the importance of a programmer's intention to design and a small set of strategies he uses when designing.
Meeting the Challenge of Simplicity
This session addresses the abstract notion of 'simplicity', why it is critical in modern UI design, and answers questions, like "Why do design processes and good intentions undermine simplicity?"
Investment Banking: Technology Space and Integration Issues
John Davies discusses investment banking technology, integration, complex data models, distributed architectures and SWIFT MT to MX migration.
REST: A Pragmatic Introduction to the Web's Architecture
In this presentation, recorded at QCon London, Stefan Tilkov introduces the key principles of REST, explaining the differences to other distributed systems architectures and highlighting its benefits.