InfoQ Homepage Developer Experience Content on InfoQ
Scaling and Growing Developer Experience at Netflix
An optimal Developer Experience will depend a lot on the company the developer is working for. This article discusses why and when changes to developer needs will occur, how to get ahead of them, and how to adapt when these changes are necessary. I talk through some of the experiences myself and peers have had at Netflix, identifying some key learnings and examples we have gained over the years.
DevOps and Cloud InfoQ Trends Report – June 2022
This article summarizes how we see the "cloud computing and DevOps" space in 2022, which focuses on fundamental infrastructure and operational patterns, the realization of patterns in technology frameworks, and the design processes and skills that a software architect or engineer must cultivate.
Reproducible Development with Devcontainers
Devcontainers provide a reproducable, reusable, simplified developer experience. Get a tour of a devcontainer including how they work, how to use them most efficiently, and how they differ to deployment containers.
Building Effective Developer Tools to Enable an Entire Organization to Move Faster
Building effective tooling can help bring down the time to delivery and increase the number of changes delivered safely. This article demonstrates the tools that Monzo has built to enable developers, and how these tools are being used within the engineering function to deploy hundreds of times per day and beyond the engineering function to run a bank at scale.
Dynamic Value Stream Mapping to Help Increase Developer Productivity
We explore the value stream optimization technique that has proven useful across a number of industries yet is still emerging in the software field. Explore a number of dynamic value stream map practical cases, and see the industry differences in value stream usage between Lean and Agile.
The Top Three Priorities for Engineering Leaders in 2022 and beyond
For engineering leaders, the Great Resignation has made it clear that maintaining employee satisfaction should be a top priority in the coming year. In 2022 and beyond, engineering leaders need to invest in developing a strong engineering culture, using data-driven decision-making to lead their teams, and to prioritize people before performance.
Installing a Robust Dev Culture for the Micro-app Environment
While consumer-facing apps have increased, a bigger increase is taking place within enterprises, with so-called “micro-apps” that are used to create customized solutions. Continuous release environments place developers in a state of regimented activity, leaving insufficient time for micro-app projects. Here's how companies can create a cultural shift that incorporates micro-app development.
Maximize Developer Productivity and Engagement with the Developer Experience Engineer
With developers becoming more important than ever, it’s critical to understand how to maximize their productivity and engagement, so in turn, businesses can create better value. The Developer Experience Engineer (DXE) clears the path to developer success by implementing a common set of principles, maintaining the right tools, and creating cohesive standards.
Lessons Learned about Developer Experience from the Platform Adoption Metrics @ Naranja
With the intent of improving the product-based approach to their internal platform, Naranja has implemented an automated metrics solution that captures essential figures that describe how their teams are doing in terms of adoption, up-to-dateness and applicability of the solutions their Developer Experience creates. This enables better collaboration on their technology roadmap.
Software Teams and Teamwork Trends Report Q1 2020
The Culture & Methods editors team present their take on the topics that are at the front of the technology adoption curve: how to make teams and teamwork more effective, in person or remote, some new tools and techniques, some ideas that have been around for a while and are starting to gain traction, the push for professionalism, ethical behavior and being socially and environmentally aware.
DevOps and Cloud InfoQ Trends Report - January 2018
This article, following on from the Culture and Methods piece we published last week, provides a summary of how we currently see the operations space, which for us is mainly DevOps and cloud.